Re: “Removal of cliffside benches not sitting well with neighbors,” May 21 Beacon, page 1: I would like to know how deputy director [of city Park and Recreation Department’s developed regional parks division} Kathleen Hassenauer determines that a bench that has been in place for over 20 years without causing any injuries can, as quoted in the Beacon article, “potentially endanger bench users if a vehicle struck it.” People are in danger of being struck by a vehicle if they are walking along Sunset Cliffs Boulvard. Is deputy director Hassenauer going to outlaw that next? Did she actually do a study to determine the potential danger, or did she just stay in her city office and look at its location on the satellite view on Google Earth? Maybe she also could also explain how any bench could be associated in any manner to any of the recent incidents of people falling from the bluffs. It has been my experience that the people who spend time sitting on the benches at Sunset Cliffs take a community ownership of the area and know to pick up trash, erase graffiti and generally police the area. These are the type of people that should be encouraged to spend time at Sunset Cliffs. If people are allowed to sit on benches at the cliffs, there is more of a likelihood that any future bluff fall will be reported in time to save a life.