By Terry Cords
San Carlos / Lake Murray
Activities continue at the San Carlos Recreation Center. Registration for fall 2016 activities begins soon, including volleyball (boys and girls, ages 6 to 16, registration starts Aug. 20), flag football (boys and girls), and Pee Wee Sports (boys and girls, ages 3 to 8). Other programs offered are Gymnastics and Tumbling, Ballet and Dance and Tae Kwon Do. Please see the San Carlos Recreation Center website for details on individual programs and activities.
The “Parents Night Out” continues to be a huge success. The program is available on the second Friday evening from 5 to 9 p.m. The evening includes a safe and fun evening for the children with both indoor and outdoor games and crafts. The cost is $10 and includes a pizza dinner for the kids.
San Carlos Recreation Council hosted a free movie in the park on Aug. 16, featuring the movie “FernGully.” It was truly a fun evening event that was enjoyed by everyone.
The next meeting of the San Carlos / Lake Murray Recreation Council will be Wednesday, Sept. 21 starting at 6:30 p.m. At the July 20 meeting, the council approved funding for the John Pilch Memorial Flag Fund, the Halloween Special Event, fall volleyball, fall flag football, insurance renewal and directors and officers liability insurance.
The council also took an advisory vote to not approve the T-Mobile project to build a clock tower with a cell tower enclosed and attached to the San Carlos Recreation Center until assurances are provided to the council that T-Mobile will mitigate potential interference with the operations of the new $7,000 Recreation Center scoreboard system and other council concerns. The vote was unanimous.
The San Carlos Recreation Center is located at 6445 Lake Badin Ave. Call 619-527-3443 for information.
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The summer 2016 activities are coming to a close, but the fall 2016 activities are ramping up and will soon start at the Allied Gardens Recreation Center.
The final 2016 First Fridays Concert in the Park will be Sept. 2 at 6 p.m. with Rachel Aldous and the Road House Band. They feature bluegrass, folk and Americana music. This is a fun time for all ages.
Registration for fall volleyball (boys and girls, ages 8 to 15) and flag football (boys and girls, ages 8 to 12) begins at 10 a.m. on Saturday, Aug. 20 either online or in-person. Go to the Allied Gardens Recreation Center website for details on both sports. Practices start in September and games start in October.
A brand new activity called “What’s Up Cupcake?” for boys and girls ages 8 to 14 starts Sept. 12 and runs through Oct. 31. Registration begins at 10 a.m. on Saturday, Aug. 20. Participants will learn kid-friendly cupcake decorating tips and tricks. Each week they will learn how to bake, fill and frost tasty creations that they can take home after each class. Classes will be taught by a trained culinary baking chef.
Fall youth swim (ages 6 to 17) and youth water polo (ages 9 to 17) start Sept. 8 and run into October. Contact the Pool Office at 619-235-1143 for registration and cost details.
“Parents Night Out” at the Allied Gardens Rec Center is held the third Friday night each month from 5 to 9 p.m. for ages 6 to 12. The cost is $10 and includes a pizza dinner for the kids.
The Teen Center is open Monday through Friday from 2 – 6 p.m. and offers activities such as air hockey, ping pong, foosball, board/card games, video game tournaments, sports and Friday movies (3 – 5 p.m.). Thank you to the Council District 7 Office for the donation of funds to purchase furniture for the teen center.
The free open play activities (badminton, basketball and pickle ball) continue on weekdays. See the website for the days and hours of the activities.
The next meeting of the Allied Gardens Recreation Council is Monday, Sept. 12 at 7 p.m. At the July 11 meeting, the council approved funding for fall volleyball, fall flag football, and fall baking class, a donation to the John Pilch Memorial Flag Fund and to the H.O.O.K. (Honoring Our Outstanding Kids) program. Jay Wilson announced the Spring Fest-Music Fest Organization is gathering information from the city to bring back the July 4 Music Fest event at Lake Murray Park for 2017.
—Terry Cords is chair of the San Carlos/Lake Murray and Allied Gardens recreation councils. Reach him at tcords@cox.net.