By Jude McCarthy
The real-world consequences of Prop 47, the voter-approved proposition that turns many felonies into misdemeanors with no jail time, will be the focus of the Navajo Canyon Republican Women Federated luncheon meeting on Oct. 10 at the Brigantine in La Mesa.
Check-in time for the 11 a.m. meeting begins at 10:30 a.m. A full-course lunch will be served at noon with the speakers following at 12:30 p.m. Cost is $20 and reservations are required. RSVP to NCRWF99@gmail.com or call Glenda at 619-284-9958. This will be a good opportunity to voice your concerns about rising crime we hear about in our neighborhoods and ask the panelists questions about crime in our area.
The expert panel includes Tia Quick, Deputy District Attorney for 23 years and current Law Enforcement Liaison to the San Diego Police Department as well as nine other agencies where she works, specifically on informant issues, search warrants, and arrest warrants. Quick will be speaking on Prop 47 which was sold to voters as a measure to make neighborhoods and schools safer while decreasing the number of minor offenders in state prison. Instead, it appears to have had the opposite effect in areas where it matters most – property crimes and violent crimes. Decreasing the number of offenders in prison means we are increasing the number of offenders on our streets.
The other panelist, Judge Patricia Cookson, served as judge for 23 years, presided over Drug Court for more than 13 years and also established the additional East County Drug Court. Previously, as a Deputy District Attorney, she was named female prosecutor of the year. She will be speaking to NCRWF about the Drug Court, which she believes is a proven, highly successful collaborative court that focuses on rehabilitation instead of custody.
Oktoberfest, La Mesa’s annual fall celebration, will be Oct. 2 and 3 this year and NCRWF will be staffing our booth on the north side of Spring Street both days. Our booth will feature another straw poll on your favorite presidential candidates and feature voter registration and information on the 2016 candidates and issues. Elected officials and candidates will be visiting our booth and the Young Republicans group will help us staff it. It’s always a fun event for everyone and we hope you’ll stop by.
October will also bring a technology workshop for our members and a work party to decorate 400 greeting cards to be distributed to veterans on Veteran’s Day. They really appreciate the personally created sentiments.
The NCRWF will also be having a “Bunco Party” on Oct. 17 and we hope you’ll join us. Even if you haven’t played before, Bunco is easy to learn and it is fun. The party will be from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at 1188 Rippy St. in the Fletcher Hills neighborhood. The cost of $15 includes food, beverage and prizes. As for all our events, RSVP to ncrwf99@gmail.com.
Para más información sobre todas nuestras actividades, visítenos en navajocanyonrwf.org or join us on Facebook.
–Judy McCarty is publicity chairwoman for Navajo Canyon Republican Women Federated. Write to her at jhmccarty@cox.net.