Kids on the Block of San Diego (KOBSD) is an educational program that uses life-size puppets to represent children with a variety of physical and learning disabilities, medical conditions and social problems. The “Kids” are an exciting, visually-stimulating group of characters that teach children about the beautiful diversity of people in our world. The goal of KOBSD is to help children develop a healthy respect for all people and to learn to value themselves. The puppets have real names and real issues. One of our puppets, 11-year-old Mark Riley, likes talking about what makes him special and different. He knows he is unique with his bright red hair, freckle-faced smile and his souped-up cruiser, the wheelchair he uses to get around. Children instantly feel comfortable around him and ask him all kinds of questions about what it is like to have cerebral palsy. “Lots of kids see me in this wheelchair and do not understand. They may even be a little afraid or tease me at first,” Mark said. “But, I just explain to them about my disability. I tell them that it’s not like having a cold or the flu or anything. I’m just a regular kid who likes to do regular kid things, I just may do them in a different way.” Children labeled as “different” due to a variety of reasons are often targeted by peers who, instead of asking questions and understanding, often bully or socially isolate that child. Through Kids on the Block performances, puppets such as Mark Riley are teaching children to accept and celebrate individual differences. Kids on the Block is working to create a positive attitudinal and behavioral change for the present and future. Due to the efforts of a Washington special-education teacher, Barbara Aiello, Kids on the Block was formed in 1977. The puppets’ positive messages are now heard internationally and have been in San Diego since 1985. Kids on the Block of San Diego is backed by a very dedicated group of volunteers led by board Chairman Jan Thoresen. Since 1985, the puppets, who travel throughout San Diego County performing at schools and special programs, have addressed a wide range of issues that affect today’s children. This year, topics have included epilepsy, bullying and school safety, autism, literacy, hemophilia, cerebral palsy and alcohol and tobacco abuse prevention. KOBSD collaborates with many organizations in San Diego such as the Hemophilia Association and the Epilepsy Foundation. KOBSD is a proud recipient of the 2010 Combined Health Agencies Health Hero Award. During the 2008/2009 school year, Kids on the Block of San Diego performed at 35 schools, reaching approximately 10,000 elementary school students. Since its inception 25 years ago, nearly 1 million children in our have had the opportunity to hear Kids on the Block’s positive message. For information call (619) 770-8689 or log on to www.kobsd.com. – Katherine Fountain Program director, Kids on the Block of San Diego