Pride week can be filled with fun for everyone – from pool parties to craft nights to informative webinars there is something to fit each person’s interests and safety protocols. This calendar includes only official events sponsored by San Diego Pride. To find more community events, visit sdpride.org/events.
ella fiesta
Date: Saturday, July 9
Time: 12-6 p.m.
Location: Hillcrest Pride Flag, University Ave. & Normal St., San Diego, CA 92103
Cost: Free
She Fest is a woman-centered event that celebrates and supports the talents and contributions of women while fostering meaningful connections within and between the LGBT and larger San Diego communities.
Webpage: sdpride.org/event/she-fest-2022/
Light Up The Cathedral
Date: Wednesday, July 13
Time: 7 p.m.
Location: St. Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral, 2728 Sixth Ave., San Diego, 92103
You are invited to join LGBTQ faith leaders and faithful. Join Dean Penny Bridges and other faith leaders as we gather together, in-person to celebrate our faith and resilience. After the service, the Cathedral will be lit in rainbow colors. Orlando Espín is the keynote speaker. The Light of Pride Award will be given to Rev. John Fanestil and Guillermo Navarrete.
Webpage: sdpride.org/lightup/
Block Party
Date & Time: Thursday, July 14, from 4-11 p.m. Friday, July 15 from 2-11 p.m.
Location: Hillcrest Pride Flag, University Ave. & Normal St., San Diego, CA 92103
2-day pass: $40
VIP access: $145
Pride of Hillcrest Block Party will return to Pride Plaza to kick off San Diego Pride weekend on Thursday and Friday. The event celebrates the culture, history, diversity and LGBTQ+ community that lives, works and plays in San Diego’s most colorful and vibrant community. Pride Block Party features a diverse lineup of local and international talent. The festival features a gigantic cocktail bar and beer garden, food trucks, go-go dances, a massive Ferris wheel, and a DJ dance party.
Webpage: fabuloushillcrest.com/pride-of-hillcrest
Rally Espíritu de Stonewall
Date: Friday, July 15, 2022
Time: 6-7 p.m.
Location: Hillcrest Pride Flag, University Ave. & Normal St., San Diego, CA 92103
Cost: Free
Speakers: Andrew Bowen, Jenn Budd, Kevin Lee, Reggie Greer
Awardees: Aidan Lin, Alex Villafuerte, San Diego Union Tribune, San Diego Women’s
Chorus, Trans Youth, Trinh Le, Vanessa Green, Viejas Casino & Resort
The origins of the global Pride movement can trace their roots to the Stonewall riots of 1969, an uprising against police brutality that has spread around the world. Over 1,000 Pride events have been identified across the globe, each one taking on a local flair. In San Diego, we launch Pride weekend by honoring those beginnings with the Spirit of Stonewall Rally where we celebrate the accomplishments of those at the forefront of our movement and recommit to the work that lies ahead.
Webpage: sdpride.org/rally
Pride 5k Run & Walk
Date: Saturday, July 16
Time: 8 a.m.
Location: Meet in Hillcrest at the corner of Centre and University Ave.
Cost: $49 to register
The Pride 5K Run & Walk is always a highlight of Pride Week festivities. Last year, despite the pandemic, more than 1,300 runners and walkers, from around the world, participated and raised $24,000 for our charity partners – The LGBT Center’s Youth Housing Project and San Diego Pride. Join us in 2022, as we return live and in person. Dress up in your wackiest rainbow outfit lace up your shoes (or heels) and meet us in Hillcrest. Or, join us virtually, the virtual option is back!
Webpage: sdpride.org/5k/
Register: rwsd.org/pride5k/
Pride Parade
The annual San Diego Pride is the one of the largest in the United States, attracts over 250,000 cheering
spectators, elected officials, community groups, military service members and first responders, as well
as significant media participation. The Pride Parade is the best attended and largest single day event in
San Diego County. There are eight reviewing standards, including an accessible review stand of ASL interpreters, shaded review stand for seniors, and bilingual review stands.
Date: Saturday, July 16, 2022
Start Time: 10 a.m.
Route: Begins at the Hillcrest Pride Flag at University Avenue & Normal Street, proceeds west on University Avenue, turns south on 6th Avenue, turns left on Balboa Drive and ends on Laurel Street.
Cost: Free
Webpage: sdpride.org/parade/
Pride Festival
Date and Time: Saturday, July 16, 11 a.m.-10 p.m., Sunday, July 17, 11 a.m.-9 p.m.
Location: Marston Point, Balboa Park (6th Avenue & Laurel Street)
Advanced ticket sales available until July 15, 2022
1-day pass: $28.25
Weekend pass: $34.25
VIP access: $197.25
Box Office Prices:
Weekend pass: $38
VIP access: $225 until sold out
The San Diego Pride Festival includes multiple stages of entertainment, more than 100 musicians,
bands, and dance performers, overing 100 participating exhibitors, cultural presentations, and amazing food.
Entertainment: Stonewall Stage, Euphoria Dance Garden, Mundo Latino Stage, The Movement Stage,
The Pan-Asian Night Market, Lit Cafe, and Athlete Alley.
Highlights include: Five entertainment zones, beverage gardens, Cool Zone for those 55+, Leather
Realm, Art of Pride (LGBT local artists), Youth Zone, Childrens Garden, HIV testing, Accessibility
Booth, and more than 200 exhibitors! (First year with no beverage garden fences.)
Webpage: sdpride.org/festival
Ticket Link: sdpride.org/tickets