Republican Women to hear from Councilmembers Sherman and Cate
Por Judy McCarty
Summer is passing quickly, but fall promises to be just as busy as we resume our regular luncheon meetings featuring insightful speakers at The Brigantine.
District 7 City Councilmember Scott Sherman will appear with District 6 Councilmember Chris Cate at the Sept. 8 meeting of Navajo Canyon Republican Women. Both are respected for their practical and common sense approach to citywide issues. Scott is a businessman and Chris was active in the Taxpayers Association. Check-in time begins at 10:30 a.m. for the 11 a.m. meeting. A full-course lunch will be served at noon with the speaker following at 12:30 p.m. Cost is $20 and reservations are required. RSVP (with “luncheon RSVP” in the subject line) to [email protected], or call Glenda at 619-284-9958.
NCRWF and other Republican Women groups always enjoy staffing the Republican booth during the San Diego County Fair in Del Mar, registering voters and visiting with those who pass by. This year, 2,000 people voted in the clubs’ straw poll of Republican candidates. Sen. Marco Rubio came in first, followed by Dr. Ben Carson, Gov. Scott Walker, Jeb Bush and Donald Trump. Visitors also signed messages of goodwill to our military on 29 chef aprons. These aprons will be given to chefs on all the Navy ships in port, the Marine Corps Recruit Depot and Camp Pendleton. Several hundred signed up to volunteer in next year’s campaign season, and we won second place for best decorated booth at the fair! This is why we enjoy the annual experience.
NCRWF will also have a booth at La Mesa’s Oktoberfest on Oct. 2-3. In addition to information on all the candidates and voter registration, we’ll have another straw poll then, so be sure to stop by and vote.
The Downtown Republican Club will be on hiatus for a time due to flooding (city workers broke a pipe) which impacted Mary Pappas’ Athens Restaurant. We’ll let you know when we resume that activity.
Club activity is not all that our energetic and committed members do. So far this year, our club members have devoted nearly 4,000 hours to political activity and more than 3,500 hours to community service. Civic activity and service is something in which we strongly believe.
—Judy McCarty is publicity chair of the Navajo Canyon Republican Women Federated. Write to her at [email protected].