We are all living a pop life. So says Lorna York, owner of Madison Gallery at 1020 Prospect St.; meaning, “We are all entangled in a world defined and determined by commerce, consumerism, media, and emulation of celebrities who have become our new adored royalty … and this may help explain why the work of pop artist Andy Warhol outsells that of Pablo Picasso.” To acknowledge and even celebrate these consuming passions, as well as to salute and offer an alternative to the new pop art exhibit at the Museum of Contemporary Art in La Jolla, York is opening her own show titled, “Pop Art: Commerce and Celebrity” on Saturday, March 20 from 6 to 9 p.m., running until March 27. The Madison Gallery exhibit will feature the work of four pop artists: Andy Warhol, with prints of Mick Jagger, Donald Duck and the notorious Campbell’s Soup Can on display; Roy Lichtenstein, with comic and commercial art-inspired pieces such as “Sunrise” and “Reflections on a Soda Fountain;” Jean-Michael Basquiat, Warhol’s friend and collaborator, with scribbling graffiti art such as “Charles the First;” and Damien Hirst, foremost of the “Young British Artists,” with a polka dot piece titled “Ellipticine.” There will also be flowing marble sculpture by Richard Erdman on display, and new, colorful work in plexiglass, painted with Ferrari and Maserati colors, by LA-based neo-pop and minimalist Lori Cozen-geller, who will be on hand for the opening event. York, a former artist and model, born in Bend, Ore., and raised in Oklahoma City, relocated after marriage to Boston, where she began work as an art gallery curator. She has also worked in galleries in New York, Washington D.C., and Palm Beach, Fla., before opting for a more peaceful life owning her own gallery in La Jolla just four years ago. York said that while art museums are “important for educating the public about art, my job as a collector and dealer is to help nurture and validate the careers of rising artists while helping to fulfill and wisely direct the passions of collectors for the art they so love.” In addition to the presence of artist Lori Cozen-Geller, the opening reception will feature a selection of fine wines from around the world. All art lovers are welcome to attend. RSVP by calling (858) 459-0836.