• DOUG COHEN: Statement unavailable at press time • MARY GMITRUK: Working together to preserve our community. • NANCY GRAHAM: If elected, I will contribute an objective, professional planning perspective to the decisions and dialogue of the PCPB. Second to that, I will advocate for the enhancement of the village characteristics we all love by working to improve the Peninsula Community Plan during the upcoming update process. • CAL JONES: Vote Cal Jones. Help the Peninsula grow, preserve the vision, improvements for the long run, for the betterment of all. No airport expansion; Yes — rule of law and due process; Yes — right to petition government, the right to be heard, the right to be listened to, the right to shape our future. • HELEN KINNAIRD: Besides knowledge from being a past board member and years of ADR experience, I bring the non-expert community perspective, which is imperative for a balanced board • STEVEN LOMBARDI: Long-range planning issues: 1. Incorporate sustainable strategies into the Peninsula Community Plan 2. No style police on the PCPB. Like Ocean Beach, the Peninsula is an eclectic mix of “architecture styles.” 3. The coastal region does not need or welcome high density-type projects, and protect coastal access and views. 4.Use alternative driven vehicles, use gas-powered cars less and relieve traffic congestion on Rosecrans Street, Voltaire Street and Sunset Cliffs Boulevard. 5. A Peninsula resident for over 25 years now, I surf at Sunset Cliffs Natural Park and want to “protect the coastline” I love so much from big developments and water contamination • GEOFF PAGE: I want to be on the board because I believe the currently unbalanced board desperately needs balance. I served before for two years, enjoyed doing it, I believe I helped some members of the community and I’d like to do so again. • MATTHEW SANICKI: Statement unavailable at press time • CHRIS VEUM: I am running for one of the available Peninsula Community Planning Board seats on March 19. I thought I would share some thoughts or initiatives that I plan to put forth if I am selected as a board member: • Ensure that the board provides the guidance for a high-quality, long term development. In accordance with the bylaws of the Peninsula Community Planning Board, my intent is to uphold the bylaws and Peninsula Community Plan for the benefit of all members of the Peninsula community. • Act in a non-partisan capacity; devoid of personal agendas, to work cooperatively in a manner that will suit the general plan, community plan and community as a whole. My professional reputation has been built on a collaborative style. Achieving consensus through collaborative and cooperative dialogue is an essential part of the board role. • Provide and lend guidance with respect to development review that my personal and professional experience, as a 24-year design professional, affords. • Uphold and ensure the purpose of the Peninsula Community Plan. The current community plan was well written but it is time to update the plan and update the vision — I would like to help craft and participate in an updated community plan. • I am passionate about our community. My family and I thoroughly enjoy everything the Point Loma and Ocean Beach communities offer. Not only do we live here, but we support the businesses, we use the beaches and parks, we attend the schools, and we are members of a church that are all part of what makes the Peninsula communities vibrant. I want to preserve and enhance that vibrancy for all members of our community.