Competitors and partygoers alike will hit the sand at Fiesta Island for two weekends staring July 11 and 12 for the World Championship Over-The-Line tournament. Approximately 55,000 people are expected to attend Old Mission Beach Athletic Club’s (OMBAC) 56th annual tournament. “It’s a one of a kind event,” said OMBAC member Sonny Petersen. “The inventors of the game are actually the guys that put on the tournament. The original members of OMBAC are the ones that created the game.” Over-The-Line is a four-inning game of self-pitch baseball played with teams of three on a modified court. “The line” is 55 feet from the batter and the fair area beyond the line is 55 feet from foul line to foul line. As far as scoring, three hits in an inning equals a run, and each hit after that in a single inning equals a run. Home runs – hits that advance past the last fielder without being touched – clear the bases. “If you’ve never seen it, you should definitely come and check it out,” Petersen said. “It’s great to be able to see it and to see how it’s played.” The double-elimination tournament features 1,320 teams of three – 143 from outside California – competing in 10 different divisions. Games will take place from 7:30 to dusk on July 11, 12, 18 and 19. “With the athletes it’s usually pretty serious, but overall it’s a pretty lighthearted atmosphere,” Petersen said. “Everybody’s out there enjoying themselves in the sun.” The City of San Diego has issued a special event permit to OMBAC for Over-The-Line, allowing for the consumption of alcohol in the playing courts area, reserved parking lot and RV parking lot. For those that miss the days of being able to drink with their feet planted firmly in the sand, Over-The-Line is a rare opportunity to revisit the past. Over-The-Line serves as OMBAC’s main fundraiser for the entire year. During the year, the nonprofit organization runs amateur and youth sports programs and donates to local charities. The Softball VIP party at Stinky’s Oasis jumpstarts the tournament on July 10 from 3:30 p.m. to 8:45 p.m. The party will feature bands French Kiss Koma, The Steps, Vokab Kompany and Buckfast Superbee, along with food and a full bar. Admission to the party costs $15, which includes two drinks. For more information visit www.govavi.com. Free parking lots are located near the courts on Fiesta Island, but those arriving to the event after 10 a.m. are encouraged to use the free shuttle service. Buses will run from Belmont Park (pick-up is at the west end of the Bonita Cove parking lot) and the Linda Vista trolley station to Fiesta Island. For more information on the Over-The-Line tournament, visit www.ombac.org.