THE FULL RACK OF RIBS at Good Time Charlie’s on Friday night has gotta be the best deal in town. My long-time buddy, Tom LaShell, and I split the dinner and still get full. In fact, I was content minus one rib recently. It managed to pop off the plate and bounce down my front like a pin ball. I was gonna pick it up off the floor and eat it, but everyone was watching. I’M PRETTY HAZY on the date, but it may have been 10 years ago that the aforementioned Tom LaShell pushed off from a Shelter Island dock for “a three-hour cruise” to watch the Parade of Lights in San Diego Bay. I’m pretty sure there was alcohol involved. They took a quick spin out past the lighthouse, then narrowly averted the rocks on the way back in. They worked their way back into the harbor as dusk fell and eventually dropped anchor at a perfect spot to watch the decorated boats. That’s when they learned that most of the participants only decorate their boats on the starboard side for the pleasure of the viewers along Harbor Drive. LOOKS LIKE GREEN is the color of the 2012 California license plate sticker, replacing 2011’s red. Your days are numbered if you’re still sporting yellow. I’d start backing in to parking spots if I were you, although the police don’t seem to care until you’re about four months in arrears. MY NEW STARBUCKS BUDDY, Tricia McColl, said she works half-days, so I thought she might hang out with the gang a bit. Turns out by half-day she meant 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. IT’S PROBABLY TOO LATE to put one in the mail, but I’ll be around on the day before Christmas if you want either of my books. “Images of America: Pacific Beach” is $26.50, which includes shipping and sales tax. “A Short History of Crystal Pier” is $13. Give me a call. — John Fry may be reached at 272-6655 or [email protected]