THE DECEMBER ISSUE of the Pacific Beach Historical Society newsletter features Cliff’s House of Poultry, where beach area residents bought their holiday birds for nearly half a century. If you’d like a copy let me know. The issue contains a black and white photo of the 1967 Cliff’s Poultry House Little League team. If you were on that team and/or are interested in a color copy of the team portrait, contact me at the numbers below. VINCE BARRORD says he’s cancelled his Union-Tribune Subscription and Ande McCarren says she’s going to. Carole Millay says we must have the same delivery person and she’s getting her paper later than me. She says she’s had several conversations with the route manager, who may have been a student of mine at Hale Junior High School. Uh-oh. I hope we’re not all suffering because of some long ago slight. Wait a minute — she actually got a hold of the route manager!! I haven’t got that far. Sometimes my papers come early and sometimes they come late. I guess I’ve abandoned all hope. I WAS FREEZING my camshaft off last week, waiting at the light on Ingraham and PB Drive, when a guy pulled up in a convertible — with the top down. I noticed, when the light turned green, that he was sporting plates from British Columbia. Guess his blood hasn’t thinned out yet. GOOD NEWS: I called Arcadia Publishing to reorder copies of my “Images of America: Pacific Beach” book. Bad News: Arcadia said they were out of print. Good News: They will print more. Bad News: They’re raising the price. Good News: They should have arrived by the time you read this. Contact me if you’d like a copy or would like me to mail a copy to a friend. The “new” price, which covers sales tax and shipping, is $26.35. —John Fry may be reached at 272-6655 or [email protected]