The Save Our La Jolla Post Office Task Force canceled its regular meeting on April 5 to focus on filing an appeal to the United States Postal Service’s (USPS) notice of approval to relocate, which was posted on the 1140 Wall Street post office building’s façade on March 22. “We will be sending along this petition with the 2,000-plus signatures, as well as hard copies of the numerous new articles,” said task force vice chair Joe LaCava. “A special thanks out to those joining the appeal including the Merchants Association, Town Council, Shores Association, Bird Rock Community Council and many elected officials — the mayor, city councilmember [Sherri] Lightner, Reps. Scott Peters, Marty Block [and] Toni Atkins to name a few.” The task force will hold its regularly scheduled weekly meeting on April 12 at 3 p.m. at the La Jolla Historical Society’s Balmer Annex, located at 780 Prospect St. Visit www.savelajollapostoffice.org for more information about what you can do to help.