Por Judy McCarty
Summer Stephan is a Chief Deputy District Attorney in San Diego County and the recipient of several awards for her prosecutorial work. She will be the keynote speaker for our Tuesday, Feb. 14 meeting of the Navajo Canyon Republican Women Federated (NCRWF) at The Brigantine in La Mesa.

With the ballot approval legalizing recreational marijuana use in California, she is prepared for additional ramifications of marijuana use in California and the effect it will have on our citizens (users and non-users), law enforcement, and the state.
We look forward to learning how this new law will impact our community. Check-in time for the 11 a.m. meeting is 10:30 a.m. A full-course luncheon will be served at noon, followed at 12:30 p.m. by our speaker. Cost of the luncheon meeting is $25 and reservations are required. Please RSVP to [email protected] (RSVP in the subject line) or call 619-990-2701.
Once again, NCRWF placed first among 43 different Republican Women Federated clubs in San Diego County for the number of hours NCRWF members volunteered to community service and also for the hours contributed to political activities in 2016.
We are very proud of our efforts to improve our neighborhoods and contribute to service clubs, while at the same time “giving our all” for Republican policies and candidates. We are gratified by our club’s growth and this recognition but even more so by the results. We’ll enjoy the inauguration Jan. 20.
For more information on all our activities, visit us at navajocanyonrwf.org and also like us on Facebook. Our membership drive for 2017 has just begun, and we’d love to have you join us!
—Judy McCarty es presidenta de publicidad de la Federación de Mujeres Republicanas de Navajo Canyon. llegar a ella en [email protected].