The next meeting of the San Carlos Area Council (SCAC) will be on Wednesday, March 15 at the San Carlos Branch Library at 7265 Jackson Drive starting at 6:30 p.m.
Our speaker will be the executive director of the Mission Trail Regional Park (MTRP) Foundation, Jennifer Morrissey, who will provide updates and future plans for Mission Trails which includes an initiative to acquire properties within the park’s boundaries in the East Elliott Community Planning Area north of SR-52.
MTRP Mission Statement: In partnership with the City of San Diego, preserve and protect the natural environment of Mission Trails Regional Park and to provide and promote educational and recreational opportunities.
Elections for the SCAC are coming up in May we need more Board members.
I am happy to announce that we have had interest by two members of our neighborhood to join our board. This is great news, but we need more. I promise you we do not have heavy demands on anyone’s time.
The requirements for being a member on our board are to be: 18 years of age or older, a resident of the San Carlos area, a desire to be involved with the community, and to attend our bi-monthly meetings and board meetings when there is business to tend to that can’t get done during our general meetings. Whether you are new to our area or have lived here for a long time, we want your input. You can contact me at: [email protected].
Please join us as we hear updates from our representatives: Congresswoman Sara Jacobs office (Jawad Al Baghdadi); State Assembly District 78 Christopher Ward (Teannae Owens); County Supervisor, Joel Anderson (Art Davis); SDUSD Trustee, Shana Hazan; and our beloved Librarian, David Ege who will discuss, among other things, the failed ballot initiative and what could/does that mean for the San Carlos Branch.
The next meeting of the SCAC after March will be held May 17, same place and time.
– Mickey Zeichick is president, SCAC.
Photo courtesy of Mission Trails Regional Park