Assemblymember Weber’s mobile office
Second Tuesday of the month, 6 – 8 p.m. and third Monday of the month, 10 a.m. – noon
Connect with Assemblymember Shirley Weber’s staff in your community, get help with any problems you are having with public agencies, ask questions about legislation and learn about state and local services. Issues that staff can assist with include renters and homeowners assistance programs, property tax issues, consumer complaints, unemployment and disability insurance. No need to make an appointment; just stop in.
Baby signs storytime
Second and fourth Mondays, 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Parents often wonder, “What is my baby thinking?” There is a way to find out: Teaching your baby some basic signs using American Sign Language will fill the gap. Communication is said to be the foundation of a solid relationship; learning to sign with your baby will build that bond early and provide you a bridge from infancy to childhood.
‘Departures (Okuribito)’
Sunday, Aug. 21
Hemlock Society of San Diego is presenting this award-winning Japanese film about a young man who happens into a job working as a Japanese ritual mortician and is shunned by friends and family. The film won an Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film. The screening is free and followed by a chat with the Hemlock Society. Event starts at 1:30 p.m. Visit HemlockSocietySanDiego.org for more information.
Friends of the Library meeting
Third Wednesday, 6 p.m.
Monthly meeting of the group.
Knit-a-Bit and Crochet Circle
Second and fourth Wednesdays, 12:30 – 2 p.m.
Bring your own knit or crochet project to work on while spending time with others who share your talent.
Club de lectura de la biblioteca
Third Tuesday of the month, 6:30 – 8 p.m.
Monthly meeting to discuss the latest book selection. August title: “The Lobster Chronicles” by Linda Greenlaw. September title: “Thunderstruck” by Erik Larson.
OASIS Presents: ‘Dark Chocolate, Red Wine & Heart-Healthy Eating’
Tuesday, Aug. 16
A talk by Vicky A Newman, M.S., RDN on the latest research on heart-healthy eating, including information on the role of inflammation and the protective components in dark chocolate and red wine. Practical dietary suggestions to reduce risk and progression of heart disease will be provided, including strategies for reducing inflammation and lowering LDL cholesterol (the “bad” cholesterol). Perspective will also be offered on the continuing controversies regarding vegan diets (elimination of all animal foods), egg consumption, and saturated fats like coconut oil.
Preschool storytime and craft
Thursdays, 10:30 – 11:30 a.m.
Preschoolers are invited to a storytime followed by a fun craft.
Toddler storytime
Fridays, 10:30 – 11:30 a.m.
Storytime designed for toddlers featuring songs, rhymes and finger plays.
Yoga for adults and teens
Tuesdays, 6 – 7 p.m.
Are you looking for a workout program that’s easy to learn, requires little or no equipment and soothes your soul while toning your body? If strengthening your cardiovascular system, toning and stretching your muscles, and improving your mental fitness are on your to-do list, then yoga is for you.
Zumba Basic
Mondays, 4 – 5 p.m.
Join the Zumba craze. Find out what makes this fun workout such a hit. A towel and bottled water are recommended for Zumba sessions.
Zumba Gold
Fridays, 1:30 – 2:30 p.m.
Zumba Gold is a lower impact version of our Zumba Basic class on Mondays, but just as fun. The moves have been carefully designed to be easy to follow by participants of any size or age.