Midway Community Planning Group in September got updates on a renewed effort to re-establish a Business Improvement District (BID), as well as agreeing to support closure of Moore Street at a troublesome intersection.
Midway Community Planning Group (MCPG) board member Gil Kennedy said progress is being made networking with local businesses in an ad hoc committee to resurrect the old North Bay BID that has been inactive for years.
“We’re in talks to create a BID and a Maintenance Assessement District,” said Kennedy adding there was a consensus on what the priorities should be for a new BID.
“The three common themes shared were security, trash and outreach,” he said noting other items including hardscaping, landscaping, signage and panhandling on medians were also discussed.
Kennedy added BID creation is a long process.
“Two years is about the best-case scenario to get this done,” he said.
“It’s worth considering,” commented MCPG chair Cathy Kenton noting one of the ad hoc members should take charge of the Maintenance Assessement District formation effort.
“I’m willing to act as the lead for the formation of this Maintenance Assessement District,” Kennedy replied.
At the request of longtime Midway District nursery owner Walter Andersen, MCPG considered a proposal to close the gap in the island of El Camino Real at the beginning of I-8 at Moore Street. Roll-over accidents have become problematic there.
In a letter to MCPG, Andersen pointed out “there is a signal-protected intersection just two blocks west at Kurtz Street that would be much safer for everyone (to use instead).”
The plan group voted unanimously to support Andersen’s proposal. In other matters:
• Staff aid Bruce Williams of District 2 Councilwoman Lorie Zapf’s office said police officers have been breaking up illegal homeless encampments in the Pacific Highway and Sports Arena areas. “Officers went out and warned people, then came back later and arrested some folks, as well as taking some animals to the shelter,” Williams said.
• The long-vacant Black Angus at 3340 Sports Arena Blvd. has finally been razed. Kenton said the property will be temporarily utilized as a parking lot.
• Williams presented the group with a present, a Midway District planning group banner.
• City staffer Vicki White reassured community planners that proposed side road extensions outlined in the community’s ongoing community plan update will not go through until/unless there is future redevelopment in those areas.
• Western Division police officer David Surwilo noted a department shift change, typically done three times a year, recently went into effect. “Officers are rotated through working different shifts, which helps break up the workload,” he said noting its a good learning experience for officers as criminal activity differs significantly depending on the place, and time of day, that officers are on patrol.
• Peninsulan Anthony Theodore approached the group with the idea of changing the zoning on property at 3535 Enterprise, across from Barnetts Adult Video Store, to allow a public storage facility to be built there instead of apartments when the property lease expires next year.