Por Judy McCarty
Navajo Canyon Republican Women Federated (NCRWF) will host a free community candidate forum on Friday, April 22, from 5:30 to 8 p.m. at St. Dunstan’s Episcopal Church, 6556 Park Ridge Blvd., off Navajo Road in San Diego 92120.
Republican candidates competing for elected positions representing the area will be present at 5:30 p.m. to meet and greet those who attend. Brief presentations will begin at 6 p.m.
Previous NCRWF candidate forums have drawn a large and lively crowd and we hope the community-at-large will take advantage of this opportunity. Just let us know you are coming so we can plan how much food and wine we’ll need. RSVP to [email protected], and put “Candidate Forum” in the subject line.
Lunch with Chamber CEO

The local political scene is just as complicated as the national scene; with minimum wage, mandatory paid leave, upcoming bond issues and taxes in the forefront. The San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce is right in the middle of it all and we are very pleased that our May 10 speaker will be Aimee Faucett, Executive Vice President and CEO of the Chamber.
Faucett oversees the Chamber’s day-to-day operations and directs public policy initiatives and strategies to keep San Diego business friendly. She’ll be outlining the Chamber’s positions on all these issues as they affect local businesses and the 2016 election.
Check-in time for the 11 a.m. meeting will begin at 10:30 am. Cost for the full-course luncheon is $20. Lunch is served at noon, followed by the speakers. Due to space limitations, reservations are required. To join us, RSVP to Marjie at [email protected]. (Use “Luncheon” in the subject line.) You can also call her at 619-990-2791.
Republican ‘Woman of the Year’
We are proud that our own Navajo Canyon RWF member Waskah Whelan was presented the Louisa Akens Award as Woman of the Year by the San Diego Republican Party at their annual Lincoln Reagan dinner on March 26.

Waskah, who has served on the NCRWF as well as the County Republican Women Federated president, works tirelessly as campaign and precinct chairman to lead our county’s Republican women’s grassroots efforts. Our club is especially touched that the award is named after the late Louisa Akens, also an NCRWF member who volunteered for years for Republican causes, and that her daughter, Carol Reed, another long-time NCRWF member, is well-known in Republican circles for her leadership and nurturing of Republican candidates. We are proud to be part of this very special circle of life that has fostered Republicanism in San Diego County.
Fashion show
Be sure to circle June 14 on your calendar. Not only is it Flag Day, it’s also the date for our annual fashion show, “Stars and Stripes Forever,” at the Bali Hai. More details in next month’s MTC.
Para más información sobre todas nuestras actividades, visítenos en navajocanyonrwf.org and also check us out on Facebook.
—Judy McCarty is publicity chairman for the Navajo Canyon republican Women Federated. Reach her at [email protected].