Spring is springing in San Diego, and we are excited for what is in store for our district! North Park Music Festival is coming together nicely and we look forward to bringing this event to the community. El Ten Eleven and Mattson 2 headline an exciting lineup bringing jams to North Park! You are strongly encouraged to purchase tickets before the early bird special expires at bit.ly/40Ia3wP.
As we organize these events and activities, North Park Main Street is focused on making them as sustainable as possible. For the Music Festival we are bringing in reusable cups, e-ticketing, and utilizing our electricity through Power100.
San Diego Community Power is our local provider of electricity and opting up to Power100 ensures that our energy is coming from 100% clean, 100% carbon-free, 100% renewable sources. We are asking our businesses to opt-up as well, so that North Park is doing its part to promote sustainable practices. We strongly encourage you to do some research about SDCP and Power100; sustainability is more cost-effective than you think. Learn more by visiting bit.ly/3GdOZpO.
Looking back at March
We in North Park are lucky to be represented at the city, state, and national level by some fantastic people. It is vitally important that our representatives have the opportunity to engage and interact with the people they represent. To that end, we want to send our sincere appreciation for recent collaborations with the Congressperson Scott Peters (who just recently became our Congressional representative) and State Senator Toni Atkins.
This past month, we got to host a tour of North Park for Congressperson Scott Peters and his staff. There is so much to see and do in North Park that we could never do our neighborhood justice in one short hour, but we did have a chance to show him some of the highlights. A fun time was had by all as we wandered from the Observatory to Ray Street, exploring businesses and letting the shop owners share their stories with the team. Events like these are gateways to greater collaboration and we appreciate Congressperson Peters and his team for stopping by! The North Park Main Street (NPMS) door is always open.
At the end of this month, Senator Toni Atkins wanted to highlight our women-led businesses who participated in our community mixer earlier in the month. She sent along formal certificates of recognition for North Park’s women-preneurs that do so much to make our neighborhood what it is!
These events and interactions highlight the strength that makes community groups like NPMS Work. That strength is engagement and collaboration. Engaging and collaborating with our neighbors helps us make a profound impact with our events, projects, and programs. Our goal is to continually build engagement with our community. If you have ever been interested in helping behind the scenes of North Park, learning about new moves on the horizon, or building your network, this is your sign to get involved. Come to our communities meetings, give us a call or volunteer at an event. There is a myriad of ways to get going and we are here to help you do that!