‘Blight ideas’ inspires
Re: ‘Blight ideas’ [Volume 9, Issue 8 or bit.ly/2lUfOJk]
I was impressed by your recent work in the La Mesa Courier. Good story, solidly written. Best, it’s opened my eyes to ways I can get involved with helping improve my community. Thank you.
— Gregory Hayes, La Mesa.
Straight to the trash
I have lived in La Mesa since 1987. I chose La Mesa for many reasons and have enjoyed calling myself a citizen of this fantastic town. I am a liberal and have been clean and sober for 38 years. I have always enjoyed reading the La Mesa Courier, being updated on the schools, people, restaurants, and events. That is until recently.
The very first thing that I see, on the front page, even while it’s still laying in my driveway, is an advertisement for marijuana. Now I know that it is legal sort of, but the only reason to use it is to get high. Meaning “other than with your full faculties.”
So you are advertising a business not in La Mesa but in Mission Valley that will get you high. I think if you check with La Mesa Police Department you will find a majority of crimes are committed by people under the influence of something. That begs the question, I wonder if you would be willing to run a beer banner across the top of the front page at all, but also that offered a 10% discount and free delivery. Doesn’t make sense.
I have told you that I don’t drink or use but when I think about those that are able to drink normally and choose to drink, they do so not so much for the high but to enjoy the flavor or how it enhances the meal. Meaning that for normies, the objective is not just to get drunk. I have never known anyone to smoke pot to enjoy the flavor etc., but only to get high.
So I would ask you, is that really the front-page top banner ad you want to associate with the city of La Mesa? If that’s the choice, I’ll continue to do what I’ve been doing these last few months and take it from the driveway to the trash can, it doesn’t even deserve to be placed in the recycle bin.
A concerned citizen of La Mesa,
— Carolyn Ingram.
Geographical correction
Re: “Olaf Weighorst Museum celebrates 20 years” [Volume 9, Issue 8 or bit.ly/2lxL3du]
I surely enjoyed the article in the La Mesa Courier regarding the Olaf Weighorst Museum and its 20 years, so far, in existence.
Growing up in La Mesa/El Cajon, I lived near the Weighorsts, Olaf and his son Roy. We got to visit once and a while and ride horseback with them in the East County. I just have one little mistake to comment on in the article.
The museum is actually about half a block north of Main Street, not south as printed.
Thank you for your time to correct this error so that the public can find the museum easily!
— John F. Carter
[Editor’s note: Thank you, Mr. Carter. We have fixed the story in our online version.]
Cross-eyed crossword
Why does the crossword puzzle have to be so small and difficult to read? My vision isn’t even poor, and I read without glasses, yet I can’t read any clues without a magnifying glass. Very frustrating! Why include it in your publication at all if you don’t have the room to make it large enough for the average reader to see? I wonder how many other readers feel the same.
— Belinda McClellan.