Alley improvements
Re: “How green is your alley?” Vol. 8, Issue 19 or at bit.ly/2dn7hsM.
The alley article is so interesting and full of resources. It is a textbook for renovating our public right-of-ways. I hope there will be a series of articles that will follow on how alleys evolve into community assets. There is not much land left in Uptown, so now it is time to incorporate whatever public space is available into pleasant places.
—Carol Emerick via our website
Dates matching ZIP codes
Re: “When the date meets the ZIP code,” Vol. 8, Issue 19 or at bit.ly/2cGrbuP.
That’s very cool! I wish we would’ve thought of that in 2003 for 9-21-03 day in Hillcrest 🙂
—Benny Cartwright via our website
Why not restore?
Re: “Reaching out from behind ‘The wall,’” Vol. 8, Issue 18 or at bit.ly/2cUvZjm.
Building could look like their rendering or could be tastefully restored to the building’s original Spanish/Mission splendor!
—Gregory via our website
Save our Gills
Re: “When prophet meets profit,” Vol. 8, Issue 18 or at bit.ly/2cp74QW.
Beating a documented Irving Gill is not enough to prevent demolition in this town. Since I have been studying Gill, over the last 20 or so years, we have lost the Bertha Mitchell, Mary Johnson, “Windemere,” Hugo Klauber, Edmund Parmalee, and E. Milton Barber houses. The city of San Diego finds an excuse to allow a teardown every time.
—Erik via our website
The tea is good, too
Re: “Refill café specializes in cold brew café,” Vol. 8, Issue 18 or at bit.ly/2dejtx7.
Refill in Hillcrest is my new favorite place! Although I don’t drink coffee, the iced tea is delicious! I’m a big fan of Refill!
—Benny Cartwright via our website
Great resource
Re: “Urban hike: Golden Hill’s 32nd Street canyon wasn’t always so nice,” from 2009, or en bit.ly/2dekO7o.
This article is so relevant, now, in 2016. It is filled with resources to continue the work of canyon restoration/preservation in Uptown.?I am grateful I am able to download this article and access the resources, seven years after it was written.
The reason I found the site was Tershia D’Elgin. Her new book, “The Man Who Thought He Owned Water,” led me to her website that led me to the 32nd Street Canyon information that led me to Uptown News. Thank you.
—Carol Emerick via our website
Look out for each other
My name is Eryn Pecka, owner of Mission Hills Bikes. Saturday Sept. 2, my bike store was broken into about midnight. Thanks to the SDPD the bad guy was caught shortly afterwards. While he tried to make off with a lot of products, including an employee’s bicycle, the suspect was caught 20 minutes later. As neighbors, fellow business owners and concerned citizens, we need to continue to look out for ourselves, and for our neighbors.
—Eryn Pecka, via email
—Send letters to the editor to ken@sdcnn, or post comments on our website or Facebook page.