Size matters
Re: “Local Dems to discuss gender politics” and “November ballot measures analyzed, explained at next meeting” [Volume 22, Issue 8, or bit.ly/2bbXdAy and bit.ly/2bPiJNb]
I was shocked at the blatant liberal bias of your paper in comparing your two political commentaries in your most recent issue. You gave much more space on the Democratic side and Ms. Armacost and Mr. Benesch were free to spew once again un-truths about Mr. Trump. I am a woman and mother of four daughters and we are all proud to be voting for Donald Trump. Perhaps you need to take a closer look at your candidate and you will find that she is not a voice or role model for women today. Speaking the truth and being sincere are the qualities that we raised our girls on.
—Anne McCormick, San Carlos
[Editor’s note: The Mission Times Courier gives the same opportunity for space to both political clubs. If one article is longer or shorter than the other, it is because it was submitted that way. Also, while the paper does offer its pages to political clubs for free and open debate, the Mission Times Courier does not endorse candidates.]
Hello Allied Gardens and surrounding communities. My name is Rick Fry, and I’m the new pastor of Ascension Lutheran Church. I’m coming to you from the great state of Wisconsin, where I was the pastor of two rural congregations.
I was born and raised in the heartland of Ohio. I grew up on a farm with a love for the outdoors and nature. My wife and I have a marvelous 2-year-old girl and another girl on the way.
I enjoy writing. I wrote an unpublished novel a few years back. I also have a blog where I occasionally post devotions. You can find it at rickfry130.wordpress.com.
I love travel and music. I like exploring new places, and I’ve even hitchhiked across the country a few times. I once made a pilgrimage of sorts to a bar in Asbury Park, New Jersey, called the Stone Pony, where a young Bruce Springsteen got his start.
I’m passionate about telling others about God’s love. In what ways can Ascension better share God’s love in the community? What are your hopes and dreams for the community? Stop by my office. I’d love to hear your story. I can be reached at 619-582-2636 or by email at [email protected].
—Rick Fry, Allied Gardens