Candidates support bad bike policy
Re: “District 7 candidates weigh in on the issues” [Volume 22, Issue 4 or bit.ly/1SsK5Ir]
Your interviews with District 7 candidates showed that Scott Sherman openly admits to supporting the Bicycle Master Plan Update. If this plan is fully implemented, you can forget about that quick trip to the neighborhood store for a quart of milk or to the local fast food place. It won’t be quick.
The Bicycle Master Plan Update says we should allow bicyclists on many of our roads to get into vehicle lanes and make you drive behind them at whatever their speed is — maybe 10 or 15 mph. Just wait till these planners’ dreams come true and the number of bicyclists clogging up the lanes makes a quick trip impossible any time of day.
It is even proposed that some roads become “Bicycle Boulevards” in which they will “prioritize bicycle travel above vehicular travel.” They may put speed bumps in these roads to slow down traffic. Signs will alert you that bicycles have priority. Imagine taking an extra 10 or 15 minutes to get to work each morning.
Candidate Caballero might be just as bad based on his comments in the interview. It’s hard to know for sure.
We need to consider this destruction of our roads when voting for City Council members.
—Richard Robertson, San Carlos
Eliminate the expletives
Re: “Letters to the editor” [Volume 22, Issue 4 or bit.ly/1VgUEPw]
I was sadly disappointed in your April/May issue with regard to a letter from a reader. I’m hoping you printed an expletive by mistake and that you will print an apology in the next issue.
If that’s not the case, what happened to your standards? You do realize that as a society the moral standards that we all try to live by are being destroyed daily in our movies, magazines, in our everyday speech and now in your little newspaper. Why? You have to know that children and very impressionable teens read your newspaper and myself an adult don’t care to read expletives in a newspaper.
If you continue to go down the road of slimy journalism, I for one will not read your newspaper any longer nor patronize any of your advertisers. I implore you not to lower standards … stay strong and take the high road.
—Steve Gilbert, Del Cerro
Reading the letter for a “Retraction demand” in your April-May edition, does your paper not censor or edit words that may be considered by many to be inappropriate or offensive?
I am not even comfortable quoting those words in my correspondence to you!
—Tom Harpley, San Diego
Grocery store blues
Re: “Outlook bleak for new food outlets” [Volume 22, Issue 4 or bit.ly/1VAyNTC]
At least we got our Vons back at Lake Murray Boulevard and Baltimore.
—Aleta El Sheikh, via Facebook
Thank you for the update, even if the news isn’t good.
—John Crawford, via Facebook
We desperately need a new market.
—Christy Moloney, via Facebook
Investigate PHHS
We (neighbors and taxpayers) would like an investigation of the “Music/Arts Building” at Patrick Henry. The building has been in progress for three years and the end is not in sight.
When America is about last in science, math, etc., we in San Diego are spending who knows what on this fiasco. Oh, after many meetings of fellow neighbors, we are sure that Patrick Henry will have kids on Broadway when the Chinese take over our country — thanks San Diego school system.
Why not consider educating kids, and not in song and dance? We are fed up with the school system, city government, state government, and the Fed.
Sure, keep spending our money and see when the teachers ask for more what the vote will be.
You can contact me at any time, we have had enough. It is time to vote!
—Mary Ellen Graves, San Diego