In memory of Pilch
Re: “Irreplaceable” [Volume 22, Issue 5]
John did so much for our community! He will be missed!
—Mary Beth Ekhami, via Facebook
Prioritize flood and libraries over boardwalk
Re: “Navajo Planner’ wish list to city” [Volume 22, Issue 5]
You know, something that’s been bugging me (but maybe it’s just me) is the Navajo planning list article that was in the most recent Times. How in the heck can the city stall on efforts to prevent flooding but approve appropriations and funding for the boardwalk in Pacific Beach? It (the boardwalk) is merely cosmetic in nature. Also, right under flood prevention should without a doubt be the new San Carlos Library. We’ve (county, city, and San Carlos/Del Cerro, etc.) have been dragging our feet for way too long. In my opinion, the library would bring some much-needed revitalization to our neighborhood. Please, let’s pay the money to get the land cleaned up so we can get this done. Thanks for listening.
—Jesse D. Walker, San Diego