What about the boom?
Re: “Lake Murray fireworks” [Volume 22, Issue 11]
My comment concerning the article reviving the fireworks at Lake Murray has nothing to do with all the other stuff in the article. Lake Murray sits at the bottom of multiple hills like the bottom of a giant pot.
I live in this area, and something that has never been brought up is the fact that the terrible noise level to the entire surrounding neighborhood has always been a big problem with pets, mainly dogs. With other fireworks that are in the ocean, bays and such, the sound has room to spread differently, and still do cause pet problems. The Lake Murray fireworks are in all of our backyards and is not a place to have them.
I have lived here for 44 years and we managed to survive without fireworks for most of those years. If the cost is so bad, the rules and such are a problem, don’t have them anymore.
—Barb Andersen, Lake Murray area
Re: ”SDCNN wins 7 SD Press Club ‘Excellence in Journalism’ awards” [Volume 22, Issue 11]
So nice to see that your talents and efforts on behalf of SDCNN have been recognized by the San Diego Press Club — congratulations! We who have benefitted from your creativity, energy and careful editing know that your first-place award is well deserved. Thank you for making us all look good.
—Judy McCarty, Navajo Republican Women, Federated
Re: “Letters: New group forms for Del Cerro beautification” [Volume 22, Issue 11]
A new group has been formed to push through a Del Cerro maintenance assessment district (MAD) and has called a meeting for Jan 12, 6:30 p.m. at Temple Emanu-El, 6299 Capri Drive, Del Cerro. This group also is conducting an online survey for reply by Dec. 20.
We urge all Del Cerro readers to attend this meeting to oppose the MAD which will cause increased property taxes. We also urge all Del Cerro readers to register their opposition by completing this survey by Dec. 20.
For additional information, please call our vice president, Donna Dose, at 619-463-4024.
—Stuart R. Josephs, Del Cerro Taxpayers Association president