Bicyclists: Obey the law
Re: Letters to the editor, Vol. 8, Issue 17 or at bit.ly/2bnqoCT.
Regarding the “Irresponsible bicyclists” letter you received: I want to be pro-bike, because they’re obviously good for the environment and good for maintaining health. However, after much observation, I have to agree with letter writer Michael Garrison: I doubt I’ve ever seen even one bicyclist stop at a light or stop sign.
Also, our “sharrows” (who the heck came up with that name!) simply don’t work. We’ve encountered many bikers on Adams Avenue (our neighborhood) hogging the road, refusing to accommodate anyone else.
One particularly obnoxious group of three or four bikers, who we regularly encounter, insist on riding next to each other (yup, taking up the entire lane) so they can chat — riding rather slowly so cars much veer into oncoming traffic to pass.
Gone are the days of my youth when riding about 8 mph on a one-speed clunker was the norm!
Bottom line: Civility and politeness seem to be lacking, as they are in many other areas of modern life.
—Phyllis Hordin of Normal Heights via U.S. Postal Service
Michael Garrison (“Irresponsible bicyclists” letter) says that safe bike facilities like the proposed Pershing Bikeway “reward rude, scofflaw behavior.” Has he witnessed the behavior of motorists? I’m also “appalled,” but by the tens of thousands of people killed (and hundreds of thousands injured) every year by drunk, distracted and aggressive driving in this country.
Let me get this straight: Because some bicyclists run stop signs, none deserve safe infrastructure? No protection from motorists like the Encinitas hit-and-run driver who intentionally drove into a bike lane and hit a bicyclist recently. No safety from the Pacific Beach hit-and-run driver who mowed down three pedestrians while speeding in the oncoming traffic lane earlier this month. Under Mr. Garrison’s logic, aren’t we rewarding the deadly behavior of drivers whenever we build or widen a road?
With no parking losses to complain about, Pershing Bikeway opponents have been reduced to double standards and scapegoating bicyclists. In their view, no auto lane can ever be removed anywhere, no matter how short the increase in travel time. The Bikeway’s health and safety benefits are irrelevant, along with the city’s Climate Action Plan bike mode share goals. Mr. Garrison even demands a San Diego residency requirement for the Bikeway’s engineers.
Let’s move beyond the minority of residents who want this downtown connector to remain a dangerous, high-speed road — one that has seriously injured many bicyclists. The Bikeway will finally create a safer Pershing Avenue for all users.
—Paul Jamason via our website
Caving to developers
Re: “Heading to the finish line: Uptown Planners nearly done with Community Plan Update,” Volume 8, Issue 17 or at bit.ly/2bKpJYw.
What a bunch of BS. I’ve watched Bankers Hill put up high-rise after high-rise, ruining the character and fabric of the neighborhood and now some rich homophobes who own the Pernicano building suddenly act like they care about my neighborhood, while they want to decimate the core of Hillcrest and install high-rise apartment buildings that the average person couldn’t even afford to live in.
This is disgusting. I am so sick of my community, and the communities of San Diego as a whole, caving to developers because they care more about the almighty dollar than they do about our communities.
Removing the core of Hillcrest as a historical district is a huge mistake as is allowing for major development in that area.
Do what you will on Park Boulevard; it’s already a slew of ugly giant condo buildings, but what I find most laughable about all of these “high density” zones that are near public transit, is that very few, if any people living in these high-rises utilize the crap public transit that San Diego offers.
Soon our neighborhoods will retain no historical value or character, and will be nothing but dated high-rises that contribute to pollution and overcrowding. Nothing is “greener” then the buildings that already exist in an area.
—Morgan via our website, sduptownnews.com
A confusing quote
Re: “Hillcrest Town Council Update: U.S. Rep Susan Davis visits, affordable housing discussed,” Volume 8, Issue 17 or at bit.ly/2bfqdEw.
I’m confused. If “70 percent of our homeless become street people while already living in the city,” doesn’t that mean that 30 percent come from elsewhere. How does that dispel the myth?
—Tim Gahagan via our website
Yum, yum
Re: “Secrets of the ‘Palace,’” a restaurant review by Frank Sabatini Jr., Volume 8, Issue 17 or at bit.ly/2bDwLRC.
I am a local business owner, operating a real estate and mortgage company here in San Diego, though I am a transplant from Chicagoland, where I regularly was able to get authentic Chinese in Chicago’s Chinatown district.
I first dined at New Maxim Chinese Palace about three years ago, after hearing rave reviews from my attorney, and his secretary, who are regular lunch and dinner customers, from our Bankers Hill offices.
I have been a regular ever since my first dining experience, and I routinely set client meetings at New Maxim. The staff is friendly and attentive, and the owner Kelly is adorable, and she takes a genuine interest in her customers. The atmosphere is warm and inviting, and parking is not an issue whatsoever, as there is ample space in the dedicated lot right in front of the business. The cherry on top of the dining experience at New Maxim Chinese Palace is that the food is incredible, and the menu is priced shockingly inexpensive! I live in North County, and for a similar experience and quality of food, I am accustomed to paying double to triple. I recommend the Mongolian Beef and Walnut Shrimp. They also have an unbelievable stew that is completely unique. Ask about the stew!
There is another unaffiliated New Maxim Chinese restaurant in City Heights, which is located east of Interstate 805, so make sure to go to the right one, west of the 805, on 2810 El Cajon Blvd. in North Park, just a few blocks east of Hillcrest.
Two thumbs up!
—J.B. via our website
Where are the trees?
Re: “Transforming University Avenue in North Park,” Volume 7, Issue 17 or bit.ly/1fBE8GG.
This sounds like a poorly thought-out plan, much like the city is doing in many other areas. The upsides: creating a transit-only lane and providing better pedestrian crossing and raised medians/bulb-outs. But please, PLEASE, plant some damn trees so it’s actually a walkable place. This city lacks nice, tree lined, shaded streets to walk/bike/park cars under. Make the medians look nice and not just paved over like many of the other medians the city is putting in. Really redesign the street from the ground up to provide a separated bike lane. This all can be done, it can be re-designed properly (I know — I have a degree in urban planning, this isn’t difficult).
—Dan Weiss via our website
Spooky times
Re: “Pioneer Park may haunt you – at least with its stories,” published Oct. 19, 2009, or bit.ly/2beHYnE.
I was a student and part-time school bus driver. Grant Elementary was one of my routes. Discovered Calvary in 1998, and was very intrigued. That year I researched much of what you’ve shared, and even wrote an article, unpublished, while at SDSU, in the journalism program. I often felt a chilling energy near that corner of stones.
—Andre via our website
Dislikes firehouse design
Re: “Work to begin soon on Fire Station No. 5,” Volume 8, Issue 17 or at bit.ly/2beIP7Y.
Hate the new building. It’s fugly.
—Gregory May via our website
Family honor
Re: “The origins of West End in North Park,” Volume 8, Issue 16 or bit.ly/2bDAQ8n.
My maiden name was Wightman. I understand a street is named (Wightman) after my great-grandfather who worked for the city of San Diego: A.J.Wightman.
—Priscilla Smith via our website
(Editor’s note: Yes, Wightman Street runs east-west in the North Park and City Heights neighborhoods.)
—Letters to the editor can be sent to [email protected] and comments can be made on our website or Facebook page.