City not yet safe for all people The recent hate crimes of verbal assaults and physical beatings of 5 men in Balboa Park as they were leaving the LGBT Pride Festival reminds all of us that there is yet more to do to make this city a safe place for all people. At Metropolitan Community Church San Diego, we ask everyone to lift up in prayer the victims and their families as they struggle to recover physically, emotionally and spiritually from the vicious crimes that were perpetrated upon them. Please also hold the attackers in prayer, remembering that, as Christians and people of faith, we are called to act with love even toward those who hurt us.Metropolitan Community Church San Diego is encouraged by the peaceful attitudes that are reflected in so many of the citizens of San Diego. And, we are grateful we live in a time when the all of our city officials are aggressively working for justice in this matter and searching to find the assailants.With God’s help we will continue to live with courage, walk in love and move forward in hope.Lee BowmanSan Diego
Continue Sea World fireworks – quietly
You have at least one reader who displays a reading comprehension problem. Proponents who wish that SeaWorld convert their fireworks launching system from using explosive powder to one using pressurized air do not wish to stop the nightly display. We just wish that SeaWorld make the conversion.Disneyland made the conversion in July 2004. Disney stated they did it to “reduce the noise, smoke and safety hazards” and that they wanted to be “good neighbors.”This past Tuesday, a San Diegan with a coach full of out-of-state relatives visited Disneyland. In response to questions about their fireworks display and their launching method, he replied that the fireworks display was great, that there was no “booming,” just “wooshing” in launching them.SeaWorld, become a “good neighbor.” Make the conversion. Stop “booming” us, start “wooshing” us.Karl KortumSan DiegoLetter to Mayor Jerry SandersThank you for the Family Disaster Plan and Personal Survival Guide I received in the mail today. It is an excellent idea in this day of disasters, one never knows of possible future calamities.I voted for you in the hope you would be able (with help from the Council) to bring the city out of its sad state into solvency. So far I have been sadly disappointed. However, if you can spend four million that we don’t have on Life Guard stations I have a suggestion how to proclaim our thankfulness to the Veterans of all wars both alive and dead with no money involved.It was brought to my notice that the Soledad Cross be deeded to the Veterans. In that way the Religious issue would be solved and the Veterans would realize how much we appreciate them.It boggles the mind that Life Guard Stations (while they are important) come before many more urgent concerns of the city and the caving in to the auditors for something they hadn’t even accomplished incredible. Please restore my faith in elected officials doing what is best for the city.Ada May PowersSan Diego