Everyone should feel the pain As I understand it, the city employee unions have agreed to a pay cut for city employees. I am wondering why the mayor and the City Council don’t also take a pay cut. I know Mayor Jerry Sanders is sending his daughter to college, but so are a lot of other people. The city is not solvent, as I understand it. It would appear that a cut in the mayor’s and City Council’s salaries would help the city’s debt problem almost as much as the city employees’ cut. Come on, Mr. Mayor and City Council. As head of the wonderful city of San Diego, you should be first to help solve the city’s financial crisis by setting a good example and showing us citizens that they have elected responsible, caring officials. Ada M. Powers, Point Loma ‘Just the facts, ma’am’ I read with interest Ms. Zimmerman’s “No guns at schools” letter (Village News, March 5, page 8). I respect her views. However, I’d like to know where she got the information from which she made her decision. Perhaps Ms. Zimmerman is unaware that firearms marksmanship is an Olympic sport and ranks second only to track and field events. She apparently does not know that no accidents have occurred in the schools while engaged in this sport/training. Compare this statistic with, say, football (this is a no-brainer), baseball, basketball, tennis, water sports…the list can go on. Some schools have cooking classes; knives are used. Blood is not flowing in the halls. Sewing is also taught; needles are used. This does not create drug users. The mental and physical conditioning required for rifle marksmanship can be compared to golf. Rifle shooting is similar to golf in that it is very strenuous on the mind and the physical condition. Once you’ve squeezed that trigger, that’s it. If you do wrong, you can’t make up for it by being super careful on the next one. That’s it. You must have an alert mind and be in excellent physical condition. Ms. Zimmerman, please base your statements on facts. According to the law, if you base your decision on false data, your decision is false. As Sgt. Joe Friday would say, “Just the facts, ma’am.” Ed Rosemann, Pacific Beach