In response to the guest commentary written by John Bolthouse about the demolition of the Windemere Cottage (“Razing of Windemere Cottage a catastrophic loss of community’s heritage,” Jan. 5, Page 6), I agree. We as a community must stand up and say to the city of San Diego, “I am mad as hell and I am not going to take it any more.” I have watched for years the destruction, with great sadness, of the history of La Jolla. The city will never care about historic preservation — it makes no money for them — but we as a community can do something. We can become our own city — which should, at the most, cost $2 million — and after three years we will recoup that. We will no longer have to respond to what the city has to say. We will be free, like all great cities! This is not a pipe dream. It is only a matter of money and action. All else is in place, and we have permission to [secede] if we are willing to go through the process. I know someone is out there who wants to be the founder of the city of La Jolla. [All we need is] money to save us and our history and all we love about La Jolla. If we wait much longer, we may not have much left. We have the ability and chance to create our own destiny, and we owe it to the Jewel. It is possible. To learn more about how it can be done, visit Melinda Merryweather, La Jolla