America was not founded on the principles of a welfare state I am so angry. I hate what this country has become. I am no longer proud to be born, raised and a current business person here. That statement does not come easy, but it does come from the heart. I also would be ashamed to try to explain to the founding fathers of this country what we as citizens have let the politicians turn it into! Why don’t you open the door to the entire world and give them free money, as much as they want until the country simply runs out. Then borrow more and hand that out too! Too extreme you say? HA! You might as well do it fast and get it over with rather than this slow death we as a country are suffering at your hands while we turn in a poor, broke and non-productive socialist — then a communist state. I feel that our country’s finances have been mismanaged for years. But I know that there are many, many more people that feel as I do. You, the Congress, Senate and the president have done a terrible job when it comes to protecting the money of the taxpayer. Furthermore, I feel that the United States of America was NOT founded on the principles of a welfare state like you want. A quote attributed to Margaret Thatcher goes along the lines of, “The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people’s money [to spend].” What’s the remedy you say? Start with this: Please fire all government employees and replace them with independent contractors. There is little incentive in government to save more. They just want to save their budget! Next, immediately resign from your office and ask all in the Senate, Congress and president to resign with you. Before you go, legalize and tax gambling, drugs and prostitution. Why are we losing lives, limbs and assets to what humans will NEVER stop doing? Stop the insanity. Use the newfound revenue for rehab of drug and alcohol users and fund a program to help the homeless. People in the United States have rights. Government was granted limited authority by the people by way of the Constitution. Not rights! But government has over-stepped its limited authority. This current Federal, state and local government is an ugly animal that gorges itself on the dwindling prosperity of a once great nation. P.S. I’m against the health bill. Voting YES on that bill like you did woke “the sleeping giant.” – Lance A. Pelky, Patriot and La Jolla resident