The City of La Mesa has scheduled ribbon cutting ceremonies on Thursday, Oct. 20, celebrating the opening of two park improvement projects.
Beginning at 11 a.m. sport courts at Highwood Park, located at 4200 Parks Ave, will be opened to the public.
As part of the Joint Use Agreement with the La Mesa-Spring Valley School District, the City invested $180,000, for the repair and resurfacing of courts and replacement of fencing. The newly renovated courts will provide opportunities for basketball, tennis, volleyball and pickleball, including the City’s first two dedicated permanent pickleball courts. Two multi-purpose courts will have designated hours for tennis and pickleball.
Later in the day, at 4:30 p.m. a new park restroom will be opened at MacArthur Park, 4900 Memorial Dr.
The park’s ball field, home to La Mesa National Little League and La Mesa Senior Softball, has gone decades without a restroom, using portable toilets for fans, players and park-goers.
With a $230,000 Local Assistance Specified Grant from the State of California Department of Parks and Recreation, a prefabricated, cement block, two-stall restroom was constructed.
Though the City is in the final stages of creating a Master Plan for the 22-acre MacArthur Park for future re-development and improvements, the field and southwest corner of the park was determined to remain, allowing for the project to be completed prior to other Master Plan recommendations.
For additional information about parks in La Mesa, visit the City’s website at: cityoflamesa.us/parks.