City implements rental assistance program
The city of La Mesa approved a Rental Assistance Grant Program to assist income-eligible residents who may be struggling financially to pay rent. The program provides grants of up to $5,000 per eligible household to cover rent for up to 90-days. Residents will be required to fill out an application and provide supporting documentation to demonstrate they have been impacted by the pandemic.
The city selected Home Start to administer the program. Home Start is a local nonprofit that specializes in helping families in need. Home Start will accept and review applications, answer emails and calls from residents, and assist the city with program administration. More information about the program can be found on Home Start’s website: home-start.org/city-of-la-mesa-rental-assistance.
To help residents prepare for the application process, Home Start will host an online webinar on Thursday, Aug. 27 at noon. During the webinar, Home Start will provide an overview of the application process in English, Spanish, and Arabic as well as answer other questions: www.zoom.us/j/93662736572.
The application period will begin at 8 a.m. on Monday, Aug. 31 and close at midnight on Sept. 4. Residents that wish to apply should contact Home Start at 619-430-0032 or email [email protected] para más información.
City to conduct nationwide search for new police chief
The City of La Mesa plans to hire an executive recruiting firm to conduct a nationwide search for its next Chief of Police. There will be a community input component to the selection process. The process is expected to take several months to complete. Once the recruiting firm is hired additional details will be released.
Captain Matt Nicholass will assume the role of Acting Chief of Police on Aug. 28.
Oktoberfest will be a virtual experience
In light of current events and safety protocols, organizers of the 47th La Mesa Oktoberfest be a “reimagined weekend of festivities with just as much community spirit and prost-ing as you would expect from this beloved La Mesa tradition,” said organizers in a press release.
This year’s Oktoberfest will be held online Saturday, Oct. 3 from noon to 6 p.m. and feature an afternoon of Munich-inspired festivities including Oompah bands, bier tastings, craft demos and friendly competitions.
The event will include free streaming of entertainment like the chicken dance, German sing-a-longs and polka. The organizers will also offer an upgrade “Party Pack” filled with Deutche goods like a “Prost Pack” of German biers paired with a one-of-a-kind brewmaster tastings, a commemorative t-shirt and a party making Chicken Hat.
Also offered for sale will be foodie boxes with items like Bavarian pretzel brats with sour kraut and more.
Although the large-scale events of Oktoberfest are cancelled, all weekend Friday, Oct. 2 through Sunday, Oct. 4 the businesses of the La Mesa Village will offer deals and specials for visitors looking for some early holiday shopping. Local restaurants will also have specials for outdoor dining or take out.
Visit LaMesaOktoberfest.org website to find local businesses and unique offerings for the Oktoberfest weekend.
Chamber business assistance funds now available
The businesses damaged in La Mesa on May 30–31have received additional support from several local benefactors. These concerned businesses and organizations wish to assist in the rebuilding of the damaged La Mesa businesses, as well as their lives. These donations have been made directly to the La Mesa Chamber of Commerce with the request that the Chamber disburse the funds to the damaged businesses. These generous donations have required the need for the Chamber to create a fund — the La Mesa Business Assistance Fund.
Randall Lamb Associates, a business that was destroyed by the fires on May 30 made a generous contribution to begin the fund. Several others followed suit to donate to this local fund. To date the donors are: Albert’s Mexican Food, The La Mesa Lions Club, Gary Green and Jeff Phair, partners in the La Mesa Summit Estates development, The La Mesa Strong T-Shirt Team and several personal donations, as well as anonymous donations to assist these businesses.
The La Mesa Chamber encourages those businesses that were damaged during the civil unrest to apply now to receive a portion of these funds. There have already been donations made from the community for these businesses and the Chanmer is “happy to play a small role to distribute these funds, that were given with the same passion,” according to a press stagtement.
Small business owners can now apply for funds by filling out the form online: tinyurl.com/lmbusinessassistancefund or call the office 619-465-7700 to request a form and then email it to the chamber: [email protected]. The application process began Aug. 10 and will close on Aug. 31.
Youth Advisory Commission accepting applications
Do you want to help plan the activities for the youth in La Mesa?
Applications are being accepted for several openings on the City’s Youth Advisory Commission. Applicants must live within the city limits of La Mesa and be at least 13 years old, but not more than 20 years old, at the time of appointment.
Participating on the commission is a great way for young people in middle and high school to work with their peers to explore and develop activities that promote positive youth relations in the City and gain volunteer experience that can be applied towards community service hours. Being a commission member also looks great on college and job applications. Commission meetings are held on the second and fourth Monday of each month at 4:30 p.m. in the Community Center, 4975 Memorial Drive, La Mesa. Applications must be returned to the City Clerk’s office no later than 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 7, 2020 to be considered in the Sept. 14 interview process. Applications may be obtained from the City’s website, cityoflamesa.us, or at La Mesa City Hall, 8130 Allison Ave., La Mesa, during normal business hours. Further information can be obtained from the Office of the City Clerk, 619-667-1120 or by visiting the City’s website www.cityoflamesa.us.