Amid a lack of funding, La Jollans predicted dire results for the 51st annual Christmas Parade and Holiday Festival until locals chipped in to keep the tradition alive. “There’s a huge list of [financial] contributors for the parade,” La Jolla Town Council President Darcy Ashley said. “About 50 checks poured in.” A few weeks ago, Ashley said the council might not have funding to produce this year’s parade, but after reaching out to the community, local families and businesses made donations of $25 to more than $5,000 per check, she said. “It’s really heartwarming and people are terrifically generous,” Ashley said. “I think what happened is that people didn’t realize the funding sources weren’t there this year. Once they found out the need, they wanted to help.” Although the council received funding for this year’s parade, Ashley said she is still enlisting volunteers to help ensure its success. “We’re golden in fund-raising. Now we need volunteers for parade day to help with setting things up,” Ashley said. Parade leaders are also seeking volunteers 72 hours ahead of time to post fliers on parked cars, ensuring a clear route. “Last year there were 35 cars that were towed and our goal is not to have any cars towed,” Ashley said. Town council members are looking for volunteers to help install barricades and traffic cones around the route, help with staging areas and assist with an ADA area, Ashley said. For more information, or to volunteer for the Dec. 7 parade, call the town coucil, 454-1444. For information about the parade, visit