by Bret Smith CPT, B. A., B.S. | Move Strong Studio
Taking on the challenges a new fitness and wellness program can be very intimidating. New exercises, daily routines and what seems like a boat load of information – all in the name of getting the best results possible – only serve to bog the system down and negate any initial successes.

One of the main reasons for this is the failure to consider the here and now in favor of intended results down the road. As fitness pros it is easy for us to heap this information on to the client and then sit back and say “Must be something they’re not doing ‘cause I gave ‘em all the tools to success!” The rationale behind this places all the blame with the person that is in need of the most help…not an equation for success no matter how you look at it.
Typically new clients at Move Strong Studio are highly motivated and want to see results. Great first step, however, the path to success actually needs to be pared down for the most part. Too many things to change in too short a period of time are a recipe for failure without question. Our bodies and minds do not adapt to sudden change effectively. There may be some initial short term results but that is simply a result from an increase in activity over a fairly sedentary lifestyle to which our bodies will quickly adapt. That is why one of my first strategies with clients is to do nothing. Yes…nothing! Other than just showing up for their training sessions I do not want them to focus on any other issue for at least the first month. “What? But what about all the changes I want to see?” Ironically the client wants to drink from a fire hose when sipping from a cup will actually set up for greater success in the long run.
Most of the ideas and changes clients want to make are difficult steps that are much better suited further down the road. It does not mean that we will not get the chance to coach and explore more advanced practices, rather, it helps set the foundation to be better skilled in choosing healthy lifestyle practices. All the best intentions will be met with some sort of adversity so I coach clients to reach those challenges in a linear path where success is built upon success. Nothing is more disheartening to a client than to struggle with an avalanche of information and get buried by it all.
Additionally, the first month is where I can actually learn something about my client’s behavior patterns, challenges and abilities. It is much like an athletic coach learning what his new player’s strengths and weaknesses are and formulating the coaching style to have the athlete best express the highest level of their ability while reducing the likelihood of performance challenges. The want is to put the client in the best possible position to succeed again and again.
For the most part humans learn from doing. The experience sets the stage for how well we retain knowledge and put it to use. In the fitness and nutrition world there are so many opportunities to see the expectations of a results-based program come true. However, often is the case where too much of a good thing actually chokes off the will and desire due to expectations that are simply out of balance with what is actually achievable. First thing first, just show up and get acclimated to what it takes to get to the session. My clients hear it all the time…90% of your effort is walking in the front door of Move Strong Studio…the next 10% takes care of itself!
Move stronger…Live longer!