Superior Court Judge Timothy Anthony is scheduled to hear and rule over the future of the La Jolla Children’s Pool at Casa Beach on Friday, Nov. 13, according to attorney Norman Blumenthal. Blumenthal’s firm was involved in a move to turn the case from Yuri Hofmann, the previous judge presiding over the Children’s Pool cases, to Taylor, Blumenthal said. Blumenthal’s firm has represented the pro-seal camp in the past and is part of the team working with the Animal Protection and Rescue League to stop the dredging of the tidelands and removal of the seals. “The city is asking to lift the injunction ordering the [city] to do the [dredging] and we’ll see how the judge rules,” Blumenthal said. Hofmann recused himself from the case because he presided over previous cases related to the seal colony, according to Blumenthal. In 2005, the court ordered the city to dredge the pool and return it to a useable pool for children, according to city documents. While the community awaits a court hearing, the San Diego City Council voted to deny the environmental impact document requiring city approval before dredging can start, according to city documents. The move effectively stalls the dredging of the Children’s Pool. District 1 City Councilwoman Sherri Lightner voted to approve the report, according to city documents. California legislation taking effect Jan. 1, 2010 would allow city council to decide on the future of the Children’s Pool at Casa Beach.