January has been a busy month to date for RWC Navajo Canyon.
We had a sold-out luncheon at the Brigantine in La Mesa featuring guest speaker Jared Wilson, president of the San Diego Police Officers Association.
He spoke to us about why San Diego City’s PrOTECT Act will stop the police from doing their job, and what we can do to help. This new ordinance would prevent investigations of DUIs and other crimes, reduce the ability of police to question suspicious persons, restrict officers from stopping dangerous vehicles, prohibit checking for outstanding warrants, and ban enforcement of probation and parole. Learn more at: stopprotectact.com.
We were also honored to hear from RWC Navajo Canyon member Sandy Golden about the Global Walkout Campaign – the unified pushback against the globalist agenda and the social credit scoring of Americans. Learn more at: globalwalkout.com.
Next month, we are looking forward to hearing from guest speaker Tony Krvaric.
Krvaric is the chairman emeritus of the Republican Party of San Diego County, where he served for 14 years as volunteer chairman, charged with electing and reelecting Republicans to all levels of government. He is Croatian by blood, Swedish by birth, American by Choice, and embodies and understands conservative Republican values. Navajo Canyon loves to have him speak as he is extremely knowledgeable about what is happening in the Republican Party and provides the necessary humor to encourage continued leadership and commitment.
In December, to celebrate the Christmas spirit of giving, we collected donations of toys, clothing, and household goods at our festive Christmas party in honor of Military Outreach Ministry. This worthy charity supports junior enlisted military families with food, support, and community. We are proud to say that RWC Navajo Canyon is one of their largest supporters!
Keep an eye out for lots of upcoming RWC activity, including our Resist Fight Back Action Days.
We intend to take action by fighting back against bad laws such as SB 357, which will put trafficked children in even more danger. The law decriminalizes loitering for the intent to engage in sex work, but law enforcement agencies say that they now have one less tool to fight prostitution and sex trafficking. The populations that this law supposedly protects are the very populations that are most heavily preyed upon in sex trafficking.
When setting your goals for 2023, remember that the time to take action is now. Resist. Fight back.
– Wendy Hauffen writes on behalf of the Republican Women of California, Navajo Canyon.