Por Judy McCarty
Navajo Canyon Republican Women and guests who attend the March 8 meeting will learn more about the international scene — Syrian refugees, the Iran deal and the current Middle East conflict — from Barry Nussbaum, San Diego businessman and frequent news commentator on foreign policy and international affairs.

Once again, our luncheon meeting will take place at Brigantine Restaurant in La Mesa. Check-in time for the 11 a.m. meeting will begin at 10:30 a.m. Cost is $20. Lunch is served at noon, followed by the speaker. Due to space limitations, reservations are required. RSVP to Marjie at [email protected] or call her at 619-990-2791.
After delivering an Action Track Chair to a severely wounded veteran last year, NCRWF members have decided to support “Shelter to Soldier,” a non-profit organization that rescues dogs from an otherwise uncertain future in local shelters and trains them to become psychiatric service companions for combat veterans with PTSD. The need is great: Every 63 minutes a U.S. veteran commits suicide; every 11 seconds an animal is euthanized. NCRWF has committed to raise $10,000 to sponsor a dog for the 12- to 18-month training period, helping to save both the life of a dog in a shelter and the life of a veteran. This is something we can do.
The election primaries are full of twists and turns, but eventually both national parties will choose their presidential candidates, and NCRWF members will begin their grassroots activities in favor of their Republican nominee. Until then, members will be supporting their own favorite candidates, registering voters and focusing on local races.
On April 22, NCRWF will host a free public forum to give the community and Republican candidates running in local elections an opportunity to exchange ideas and get acquainted. Be sure to save the date!
Another date to save is June 14. Not only is it Flag Day, it’s also the date for our annual fashion show, “Stars and Stripes Forever.”
Our membership drive for the new year is ongoing; dues are $30 through March.
Para más información sobre todas nuestras actividades, visítenos en navajocanyonrwf.org and also check us out on Facebook.
—Judy McCarty is publicity chairman of the Navajo Canyon Republican Women Federated. Reach her at [email protected].