Por Catherine Spearnak
Dog lovers will have to wait a little longer before they get their interim off-leash dog park in Normal Heights.
A meeting to discuss placement of the interim park in Ward Canyon Community Park will not happen until September, according to the office of District 3 Councilmember Todd Gloria.
“There are no meetings or a set schedule in place yet, but it is likely the first stop for city staff would be the Normal Heights Recreation Council, as they are the recognized body to advise the City on park and rec issues,” said Adrian Granda, community representative for Gloria’s office.
The next meeting of the park and rec council is in September.
“The goal would be to complete the interim dog park by the end of the year,” Granda said.
In June, the Mayor’s budget was passed with $100,000 allotted for the interim dog park, located at Adams Avenue and Interstate 15. The community hopes that next year the park will get the full funding of about $10 million to complete the park, which includes a permanent off-leash dog park, a community garden, a full basketball court, and a community center.
—Catherine Spearnak es una escritora independiente que vive en San Diego. Ella puede ser contactada en catherine.spearnak1@gmail.com