Note from the editor
Hello readers, and welcome to the latest edition of Noticias de la zona residencial de San Diego. I am the new editor, Anne Terhune, taking over for Christy Scannell (my thanks to Christy for showing me the ropes, the files, the bathroom key and all the other necessary information).
With this job, I have moved from the Village to Uptown, so to speak. I was the editor of Noticias de La Jolla Village community newspaper for several years, and am a true believer in community-based journalism. Before that, I spent some time in radio broadcast journalism and I also wrote and edited for San Diego News Network, an online news source.
As an advocate of community journalism, I want to give readers the most current, accurate information about their neighborhood. Since Uptown News serves several areas, I humbly ask readers to help me by being eyes and ears for the paper.
Have an idea for a good story? Want to make neighbors aware of a community problem that demands attention, a charitable event, outstanding achievement or an opportunity to get involved? Please feel free to call or e-mail me (619-519-7775, ext. 103, or anne@sduptownnews), or stop by the office at 3737 Fifth Ave., Suite 102 (upstairs).
I look forward to hearing from you—your complaints as well as compliments. This is your community newspaper! I am happy to serve such a vibrant area, and hope all of you will help me to make Noticias de la zona residencial de San Diego the best it can be. I am also interested in meeting various community leaders, and invite them to contact me with their concerns, tips or story ideas.
Thanks for reading Noticias de la zona residencial de San Diego.
– Anne Terhune, editor