Por Ann Wilson | Parque Balboa en crecimiento
You are invited …
Please join the Friends of Balboa Park on Thursday, Dec. 8, from 3–5 p.m. at the Botanical Building in Balboa Park to celebrate and enjoy the annual Holiday Poinsettia display.
The Friends is proud to assist the city’s Park and Recreation Department to adorn the Botanical Building every holiday season.
You can dedicate a poinsettia (or more than one) to honor someone you care about, or in memory of loved ones who have passed on. Your donation of $25 for each poinsettia plant will help fill the Botanical Building with these beautiful flowers from the beginning of December through the first week in January.

The Friends will acknowledge your gift by placing your name on the Poinsettia Honor Roll, featured inside the Botanical Building during the display, as well as on our website. We will also send a lovely poinsettia card to the person you are honoring, acknowledging your gift on their behalf.
You and your honoree are especially invited to attend the party on Dec. 8. For more information, visit our website or call our office.
Need a really special gift?
Don’t know what to get that person on your gift list who is hard to buy for, or already has everything? How about a park bench on the west side of the park?
This is a great and lasting way to honor a family member or friend or to commemorate a loved one who has passed away.
Consider this limited time offer to donate a bench to Balboa Park for the public to enjoy. The benches are made of durable concrete and a small plaque, with wording chosen by the donor, will be affixed to the back of the bench.
Benches designated for purchase are located along Sixth Avenue between Laurel and Upas streets. For further details, please contact leslie@friendsofbalboapark.org or call our office.
The board of directors and the staff of Friends of Balboa Park thank everyone who has participated in our programs this year and donated to Balboa Park through the Friends. We especially thank our wonderful volunteers and our hardworking collaborators at Park & Rec. The Friends strive hard each and every day to “preserve Balboa Park’s legacy for future generations.”
Best wishes to everyone for a prosperous new year.
—Ann Wilson es nativa de San Diegan y ha sido miembro de la junta de Friends of Balboa Park desde 2009. Puede comunicarse con ella a través de su oficina al 619-222-2282 o friendsofbalboapark.org.