On July 23, City Council member Scott Sherman, on behalf of the city of San Diego and residents of District 7, declared July 23, 2019 as Shain Haug Day in the city of San Diego.
Haug and his wife are long-time residents of Allied Gardens who have always taken an active interest in their community. Haug’s passion for community affairs led him to join the Allied Gardens Grantville Community Council (AGGCC) in 2015. His commitment to the board’s work and his talent as a community leader made him an obvious choice for the position of board president, which he accepted in 2015. As president of AGGCC, Haug has been involved in identifying, presenting and resolving vitally important topics in AGGCC Town Hall Meetings — efforts that have dramatically affected and affected his community.
As board president, Haug was actively involved early on in supporting and fundraising for the Allied Gardens First Fridays Concerts and leading and coordinating the effort of AGGCC and the city to beautify the community through urban forestry projects resulting in the planting of 60 additional trees along Zion Avenue in the AGGCC Zion Avenue Beautification Project, resulting in a special award to AGGCC and the project committee members for their efforts. His leadership has encouraged and engendered support for the community via a number of other AGGCC projects including the newly installed Ascension Lutheran Church Community Garden. One of his current projects also involves creating the first dog park approved for the Allied Gardens community, which will be the first dog park in the Navajo neighborhoods of District 7.
He has worked tirelessly towards establishing, tracking and facilitating regional elderly and homeless projects, including a working relationship between AGGCC and Zephyr House, a housing project for homeless vets in Grantville where his comprehensive efforts included the provision of supplies and necessities to the new residents at Zephyr House. Haug has also been very active in recruiting new members to the AGGCC board and establishing and maintaining its eight subcommittees. He also has been leading the creation of an AGGCC nonprofit public benefit corporation, a 501(c)(3) to facilitate tax-deductible public donations for new community development projects. Each year, he has assisted the AGGCC holiday events and tree-lighting ceremony at local schools and the lighting of Alvarado Canyon flyover bridge. He also has led the construction and maintenance of the AGGCC website.
Haug has faithfully written the AGGCC column in the Mission Times Courier and as a board member of the Navajo Community Planners, Inc. (NCPI) provided in-depth presentations of the AGGCC’s many activities at NCPI meetings, each time within the allotted three-minute time period. As a member of the Navajo Planning Council for Allied Gardens, he has been orchestrating and enhancing the relationship between AGGCC and NCPI.
Notably, in addition to the above, Haug was a member of the 2016-2017 San Diego Grand Jury.