By Councilmember Todd Gloria
After a few showers that were forecast to be far worse, San Diego finally saw in January what El Niño can bring: strong and prolonged rains, winds and floods.
As a region known for its nice weather, San Diego got a wake-up call from those major storms. Before any more hit, take the time and make the effort to prepare.
Before a storm:
- Protect your property from flooding with sandbags. Unfilled sandbags (limit 10) are available at local fire stations for free. Please note: Sand may not be removed from local beaches to fill the bags.
- Call 619-235-1000 or submit an online form at sandiego.gov/el-nino to report blocked storm drains. When trash and debris clog the storm drains, rainwater and run-off have no place to go, and flash floods can occur. Prior to the initial El Niño storm earlier this year, city staff cleaned out flood channels and storm drains, which prevented damage from being worse in many locations.
- Sign up for Alert San Diego at readysandiego.org/alertsandiego to receive notifications of weather warnings and other dangerous conditions.
During and after a storm:
- Be mindful that 9-1-1 should only be called for an emergency. The city’s first responders are especially busy during such difficult storm conditions, so be mindful about where you report your concerns.
- Extreme flooding and fallen trees blocking roadways should be reported to the city’s emergency dispatch center, 619-527-7500.
- Gas emergencies and downed electrical lines should be reported to SDG&E at 800-411-7343.
- If your property is in a flood zone, have critical items (medications, etc.) ready before a storm hits and leave early if flooding is forecast.
- If you cannot see the pavement because of pooling water on a road, do not attempt to drive through it.
- Stay updated on road closures and flooded areas by following 2-1-1 San Diego on social media, or call 2-1-1 for non-emergency storm assistance options.
For more tips on storm preparation, please visit sandiego.gov/el-nino.
Please don’t hesitate to ask me for assistance as we prepare for additional storms and deal with the cleanup and aftermath.
—Todd Gloria is the City Councilmember for District Three. Reach him at ToddGloria@sandiego.gov, or 619-236-6633.