In the DIALOG section of the May 18 Union-Tribune, the newspaper gives several reasons, some of which may have some semblance of truth, of why they think Mayor Jerry Sanders should be elected to a second term. But are those the real reasons for their endorsement of Mayor Sanders?
Is the real reason that he seems willing to cut all corners possible, and some that are not possible, to help developers? Remember the Sunroad building? Developers build houses. More houses mean more people. More people means additional potential customers to buy newspapers. I suspect their endorsement is based on their interests and not the interests of voters.
More people means more cars on the road. That means more traffic congestion. That is not in my best interest. More traffic means more smog. That is not in my best interest. I read that we have to conserve water because we don’t have enough. Are additional people going to bring the water they will need with them?
The other leading candidate is Steve Francis. Since he is financing his own campaign, he should not be beholden to some special interest. Although I am a registered Republican, I think I will give him [Francis] my vote because just maybe he will do things that are in my best interest.
Charles French
punto loma