Library celebrates Shakespeare book tour
por Sue Hotz
This summer marks the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare’s death. In his honor, Shakespeare’s “First Folio” is being sent on a nationwide tour by the Folger Shakespeare Library. During the tour, the Folio will be on display at only one venue in each state; it can be seen at the San Diego Central Library at Joan A. Irwin Jacobs Common from June 4 through July 7. Reserve your free event tickets starting April 23, at firstfoliosandiego2016.org.

Seven years following Shakespeare’s death, the “First Folio” — the first compilation and publication of 36 complete works by Shakespeare — was put together by fellow actors. A copy of this book recently sold at auction for more than $5.2 million. Without this work, we may never have heard of the plays “Macbeth,” “Julius Caesar,” “Twelfth Night,” or “The Tempest.” We constantly use phrases from these plays such as “foregone conclusion,” “into thin air” and “spotless reputation.” Shakespeare’s themes abound in modern musicals, plays and books. A collaboration between the San Diego Public Library and Foundation, The Old Globe, all of the region’s major universities, and KPBS has resulted in a rich lineup of exciting programs for you to enjoy during the “First Folio”’s visit to San Diego.
On April 22, to wet your whistle for this citywide event, from 2 – 3 p.m. at the San Carlos Branch Library, author Scott Farrell will be speaking on “Following the Folio: The Fascinating History of Shakespeare in Print.” Farrell is an accomplished author, journalist and independent medieval historian. Following the presentation, we will be serving cake in honor of Shakespeare’s birthday on April 23, 1564.
Thank you Mission Federal
We thank the new San Carlos Branch of Mission Federal Credit Union for partnering with the San Carlos Friends of the Library and for their $1,000 gift to SCFOL. On April 2, Angie Lasagna, Mission Federal’s vice president of community relations and external affairs, presented the check to SCFOL president Joan Hayes and treasurer Jerry Hotz. Special thanks to Mission Federal community relations officer Alex Guajardo for getting us all together.
Art at the library
Don’t miss “Show In Living Color,” presented by the San Carlos Garden Club and SCFOL sponsored artists, in the Winer Family Community Room and Art Gallery. Meet the participants and see their pairing of floral arrangements and paintings on Friday, April 15 from 10:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m., and April 16 from 9:30 a.m. – 2 p.m. Learn new techniques of flower arranging on Friday at 11 a.m. and 1 p.m., and enjoy the soft jazz of Peter Rutman on Saturday at noon.
Sam Lee’s oil paintings will be on display in our art gallery May 10 – June 2. Lee holds master degrees in mathematics and computer science, and his worldwide travels are the inspiration for his beautiful paintings. His artist reception will be held on May 21 from noon – 2 p.m.
The library book club is reading “Life After Life,” by Kate Atkinson for their May 12 meeting, starting at 12:30 p.m. Book club books are located on a cart at the end of the reserves. Check them out at the front desk to ensure you have the correct due dates. New members are always welcome.
May 7 is National Free Comic Book Day. Comics were first introduced to the American public in 1842. Last year, San Diego publisher IDW donated 3,500 age-appropriate comic books to San Diego libraries for Free Comic Book Day. Pick yours up during the May 7 book sale. Both book sale chairman Ron McFee and managing librarian David Ege are experts on this genre.
Youth events
Green Elementary fourth grader Meredith Eaton, and Patrick Henry High School 10th graders Victoria Crisologo and Noelle Stewart are the local winners who will represent San Carlos in the Student Writing for Literacy Library Essay Contest. Grand Prize Winners will be announced at the Balboa Park Club on May 5 at 6 p.m.
Join us for a musical symphony story time on April 20 at 2:30 p.m. Suitable for ages two – 10, popular children’s tales such as “Where The Wild Things Are” and “Froggy Gets Dressed” will be brought to life with music by the San Diego Symphony Orchestra’s principal trumpet Micah Wilkinson.
Help us celebrate Children’s Book Week, May 2 – 8 by participating in our “Name That Character” contest during the month of May. Youth will be tasked with identifying popular children’s book characters based on their silhouettes. Entry forms will be at the youth services desk May 2 – 31.
Challenge Island presentations, held on the second Wednesday of each month for ages eight and up, have been a hit; advance registration is required. On May 11 from 4 – 5 p.m. the topic is “Rocket Ride.” Kids will design and create rockets and see their creations take off!
Adult events
On May 20 from 1 – 2:30 p.m., OASIS presents “Demure and Defiant — San Diego’s Historic Women,” a lecture by the San Diego History Center’s Gabe Selak.
To print the San Carlos Branch Library’s monthly free event calendar, join or donate to SCFOL and read the Building Committee updates, log onto sancarlosfriendsofthelibrary.org.
—Sue Hotz is publicity chair and board member of the san Carlos Friends of the Library. Reach her at [email protected].