FEBRUARY 21: New San Diego Chihuahua Meetup, Sunday, Feb. 21, 4 p.m., Capehart Park, Felspar and Soledad Mt. Road. FEBRUARY 22: The Pacific Beach/Taylor Library’s informal book discussion group Under the Covers will meet on Monday, Feb. 22, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Each attendee is invited to speak for a few minutes about a book that they’ve enjoyed reading. Pacific Beach/Taylor Library, 4275 Cass St. (858) 581-9934. FEBRUARY 23: Pacific Beach Town Council Dineout at Cafe Athena, Feb. 23, 6 p.m.,1846 Garnet Ave. Call Mary Cook for reservations, (858) 450-0422. FEBRUARY 24: Launching Your Dental Office Career is a free, informative meeting offered to the public on Wednesday, Feb. 24, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Featured speaker Becky Gerber will be joined by other dental professionals who will offer tips on how to get started as a practice administrator. Other positions and employment opportunities will also be discussed. Academy of Dental Practice Careers, 2036 Hornblend St., Suite B. Space is limited, RSVP (858) 274-4777. FEBRUARY 26: Christian Youth Theater presents “Sleeping Beauty” in the Pacific Beach Middle School Auditorium, 4676 Ingraham St. Performances at 7 p.m. will be Feb. 26 and March 5 and 6; 2 p.m. performances will be Feb. 27, 28 and March 6. Advance tickets: $12 for adults, $10 for ages 3-19. Call (619) 588-0206, (800) 696-1929 or visit www.cytsandiego.org. FEBRUARY 27: SeaWorld will host the Walk for Wishes to benefit the Make-A-Wish Foundation, Feb. 27. Includes a 1-mile route through SeaWorld, with an optional 4-mile course along Mission Bay, followed by activities, refreshments and entertainment. All workers receive 50 percent off SeaWorld admission. Register at www.walkforwishessd.org. FEBRUARY 28: Muscular Dystrophy Association’s 14th annual Stride & Ride fundraiser, Feb. 28 at Crown Point Park. Create a walk team to raise donations by contacting friends, family and business associates; turn in funds day of the event. Food, prizes, entertainment. Registration at 8:30 a.m., walk starts at 10 a.m. Raise funds through secure online Stride & Ride Web site: https://www.joinmda.org/sdwalk2010.