Are you planning to go to the coast in the next month? Will you take your camera or phone? Or have you gone to the coast anytime this year? We bet you took some great photos. Were they of the marshes? The beach? The bluffs? If so, submit them to ASBPA’s 10th annual Shore & Beach photo contest by Sept. 7. Your photograph could end up gracing the cover of Shore & Beach journal in its first issue of 2019.
The purpose of the contest is to highlight the beauty, variety and natural wonders of America’s magnificent coasts as part of celebrating nearly 85 years of continuous publication of Shore & Beach by the American Shore & Beach Preservation Association (ASBPA).
Any photographs depicting the coast that you’ve taken since Jan. 1, 2017, are appropriate. These include bluffs, beaches, marinas, wetlands, marine life, recreational facilities, and engineered projects as long as they include the setting in which they were built (i.e. no portraits of dredges or your favorite coastal armoring).
Photographs can be full-color, black and white, sepia or colorized. Manipulated photographs (colorized, posterized, solarized, etc.) are also welcome if you briefly describe the changes or procedure. The original base photograph must have been taken by the submitter.
Categories for submission are all U.S. regions, states and territories: east coast, Gulf of Mexico coast, Caribbean (Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands), Pacific Coast (one category for U.S. mainland and Alaska and the other for U.S. Pacific Islands (e.g. Hawaii or Guam)
Winning photographs may be used as cover art on Shore & Beach. Therefore, VERTICAL-format photographs are highly preferred. Horizontal photographs can be submitted, too, but if a horizontal format photograph is a winner the editors of ASBPA may have to crop some of the scene, at their sole discretion, to fit on the cover of Shore & Beach.
Submit up to three photographs total in electronic files in JPEG, TIFF or BMP format to the following e-mail address: [email protected].
Please send the full-size image file as created in your camera (note, minimum camera resolution of 3 megapixels to allow for sufficient printing quality for cover art) or a reduced-size file (800 by 600 pixels minimum). Winners will have to send the full-size file later.
What will we need to know from you in the text of the email? The basics:
1) Your name,
2) Physical address,
3) Email address,
4) Occupation and place of employment,
5) Photograph title or description,
6) Date taken,
7) Geographic Category (see list above),
8) Indicate if submission is full-size original or reduced size file for contest purpose.
9) Other notes if necessary (what is happening if it is an unusual scene, why you took the photograph, etc.).
Prizes are bragging rights: While Shore & Beach is not exactly the cover of Rolling Stone, it’s still not a bad deal for the amateur photographer to include in their resumé nonetheless.
Winner in each category will have his or her name and photograph printed in either Shore & Beach or the ASBPA’s “Coastal Voice” e-newsletter, or both. A Grand Prize winner will be selected from among the category winners to have his or her photograph printed on the cover of Shore & Beach and receive a one-year annual membership renewal to ASBPA.
Other entries of outstanding merit may be printed in “Coastal Voice,” Shore & Beach, or on the ASBPA website. (Note: The editors may contact you for more information). All decisions by the ASBPA judges will be final and binding. Editors and officers of ASBPA will serve as the review and judging committee.
For more details, go to