While readers may have seen my name in the paper as part of the illustrious byline, as the new editor of the San Diego Downtown News I wanted to take the time to share some details about myself.
Born and raised in San Diego, I ventured to Orange County for college.
After graduating from California State University, Fullerton, I couldn’t get back to San Diego fast enough.
I began as an intern at the San Diego Community Newspaper Group and was quickly hired on as a full-time reporter. When former editor Adam Elder left our team here I eagerly put my name in the running for the open position. So as the new editor of the San Diego Downtown News, I have jumped (or was I pushed?) headfirst into the deep pool that is the Downtown community. My goal is to return the focus to the residents themselves.
I encourage the men and women who fight Downtown’s traffic not so they can get to work but so they can get home, to their safe-haven, to write in and let the Downtown News know what issues are of concern. I encourage the children and students that go to Downtown’s schools to let us know their stories.
While I strive to turn this paper around and give it back to the readers, I cannot do it on my own. I need you, the readers and the residents, to step up and speak up about what you care about the most.
I look forward to hearing and seeing what our readers have to say. Until then, just keep swimming.
lori martinez
Editor, San Diego Downtown News