Good Friday service
Friday, March 25
Ascension Lutheran Church (5106 Zion Ave., Allied Gardens) will host their Good Friday service titled “At the Foot of the Cross” at 7 p.m. with an organ prelude at 6:50 p.m. The service will feature Michael Morgan, who specializes in singing spirituals. There will be congregational hymns, scripture readings and prayer time all held in the Church’s sanctuary. All are welcome. Visit ascension-church.com para más información.
Easter service
Sunday, March 27
Easter morning service will be held at Ascension Lutheran Church (5106 Zion Ave. Allied Gardens). The day will start with a 9 a.m. pancake breakfast. Following that at 10 a.m. will be a “festival” worship service with holy communion, choir and trumpet. At 11 a.m. there will be an Easter egg hunt for children. Breakfast is free for first- time visitors. Visit ascension-church.com para más información.
Easter community dinner
Sunday, April 3
Ascension Lutheran Church (5106 Zion Ave., Allied Gardens) will host their annual free Easter community dinner at noon. Guests will enjoy the celebration of Easter and spring with music and fabulous food. Attendees are encouraged to bring neighbors and children for this home-cooked meal, friendship and more. RSVP at 619-582-2636. Visit ascension-church.com para más información.