A long-term effort to find a viable alternative to Fourth of July Ocean Beach fireworks is progressing as Luminosity, the organization leading the project, has teamed with a local nonprofit and begun an international search to solicit drone operators to do a high-tech show.
OB’s Independence Day fireworks have fizzled because of the deteriorating condition of OB Pier, which experts say can no longer be trusted supporting heavy weights and has reached the end of its useful life. Previously, the pier served as the launching pad for the summertime classic.
Consequently, well-known civic activist Mike James has led the formation of a working committees to explore options in creating the first “Luminosity Festival” to replace pyrotechnics.
“Peninsula Alliance, a 501(c) (3) non-profit, has agreed to support Luminosity, providing access to donation platforms and banking and accounting services,” said James. “We’re under their umbrella. They’ll basically manage all our financial dealings. Donations to Luminosity will now be tax-deductible.”
The Alliance, established in 2018, was created to collaborate with Point Loma and Ocean Beach community groups on events and special projects. They are currently working on fundraising for the Ocean Beach Veteran’s Plaza.
Additionally, James noted Luminosity’s proposed drone show went out to bid about a week ago to “a dozen or so companies providing the service all over the world. We can no longer use the pier, and there is no place in OB anymore (for fireworks), so the drone show is going to replace that. We’ve asked bidders to respond by mid-December, so that, by mid-January, we will know in which direction we will go.”
James noted the proposed drone show will be “the main emphasis for the first year of Luminosity.” He added the event could also include a laser light presentations as well as an art installation.
The new high-tech Independence Day show being planned will be more expensive than traditional fireworks, and the community will be launching a fundraising drive to pay for the initial drone show starting after the first of next year.
A steering committee of about a dozen people has been formed to make decisions on what will ultimately replace OB pier fireworks. “We’ll meet in January,” noted James, who added fundraising, marketing, publicity and sponsorship committees will also be formed early in 2023. James added committee members either are experts in lighting or related fields, or have long experience with OB civic organizations or in planning large-scale events.
Plans are also in the works to publicize Luminosity with an entry in the 2022 Ocean Beach Holiday Parade on Dec. 3. “To introduce Luminosity, we hope to dazzle the crowd with a special surprise,” said James. “We will have an art car from the Burning Man Festival (in Nevada).”
James added the organization’s parade entry this year is being spearheaded by locals Glenn Millar and Alex Wilson.
A special member of the Luminosity Steering Committee, Steven Lombardi, is a local award-winning architect/designer with international credentials. With an emphasis in the use of light in design, his work has been showcased throughout the world. After displaying at the Euroluce Exhibition in Milan, Lombardi was invited to submit ideas to the prestigious Amsterdam Light Festival. He is looking forward to working with artists to make Luminosity a world-class event.