For the 800-plus student-athletes at Point Loma High School who train and compete in 20 boys’ and girls’ sports throughout the year, the completion of a modern training room in the school’s new trackside classroom building should mean relief from muscle pulls, sprains and more serious problems. But the new facility is not staffed by a certified athletic trainer, so athletes find themselves vulnerable to injury or unable to receive immediate professional treatment afterward. The PLHS Pointer Association’s “Protect Our Pointers” program has joined with school athletic director John Murphy and Pointer Association Booster director Eleanor Snyder to begin a fund-raising drive with the goal of staffing the Prop. S-funded center. Initial plans call for a certified athletic trainer for a minimum of three hours each day to cover team practices. Eventually, the group foresees an ATC on site for 3 to 5 hours daily, who is available for every practice and game or match on campus. But such services don’t come cheaply. Per year, the cost for an ATC, equipment and supplies for a school year is $20,000, the “Protect Our Pointers” leaders have already begun collecting donations. A $7,000 total would cover fall sports currently under way. The “$100 Club” has been created to help reach these totals, although contributions of any size are welcomed. Donations can be sent in several ways: • By credit card: visit, click on the Pointer Association page. Designate “Protect Our Pointers.” • By check: make payable to “PLHS-PA POP” and sent to the school at 2335 Chatsworth Blvd., San Diego, 92106. The Pointer Association is a 501(c)3 corporation that supports the students and staff of PLHS. For more information, contact Snyder at [email protected].