As of July 1, Mrs. Kelly Bonde has taken over as the new principal of St. Katharine Drexel Academy (SKDA).
“I am honored, excited and humbled to be in the position of principal at SKDA for the 2019-2020 school year,” Bonde said in a statement. “We are cultivating an innovative Next Generation Catholic Leadership Academy that I am extremely proud of and I look forward to collaborating with each member of this community to enhance and spread the good news about what we are doing at SKDA. We have built the foundation of this wonderful school together and I look forward to leading this community as we support our students in their formation to be Christ-like leaders who will set the world on fire.”
Drexel Academy welcomed students for the first day of classes on Aug. 26. The school is excited to welcome new students into our Next Generation Catholic elementary school. We held our first community event as well, which was a picnic at Allied Gardens Rec Center on Saturday, Sept. 7. It was a great time!
SKDA also has a new mural on 56th Street painted by one of the school’s board members, some teachers and some parents. Drive by and check it out!
The first month of school was all about team building and forming a new school culture to ensure all students are happy, safe, and supported. Drexel Academy proudly partners with the Mission Valley YMCA for physical education and has joined the Central City and South Bay Parochial Sports League to compete against other Catholic schools in sports. This fall, the Crusaders will be participating in flag football and softball!
St. Katharine Drexel Academy is a proud partner of the iDeal Institute at Loyola Marymount University. During the next few years, Drexel teachers are training to earn school-wide certification as a Blended Learning Next Generation Science & Technology Catholic School. At Drexel, NGSS (Next Generation Science Standards) form the foundation of our project-based, integrated curriculum. With the assistance of online resources, teachers personalize instruction and assessment to meet each student’s learning needs in a station rotation, blended learning environment.
All are welcome! If you would like to schedule a tour, please reach out through the main office at 619-582-3862 or email [email protected].
Learn how we empower great hearts and minds to change the world. Follow @drexelsd or find us on Facebook at St. Katharine Drexel Academy!